Im sorry☹️

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Dasani's POV

I got in the house after dropping Makiya off I texted Capri telling her I was home. Me and her have built a friendship over the weeks I been here she's more of a quiet ducked off type and I respect that. She told me she was coming over cause she had nothing else to do.

I was watching tv eating some corn dogs when the doorbell went off, I was about to answer it but my uncle beat me to it. "Capri what you doing here I didn't call you." He stepped aside letting her in

"well if you must know, me and your niece are friends." He looked my way. Yea ik that Capri, Jacazi,Makiya and the twins work for my uncle. But that doesn't mean I can't be friends with them.

After my uncle lectured Capri and embarrassed me, telling her not to break my heart even though we were only friends. We was watching tv and chilling, play fighting and we ended up on the floor, our laughing subsided as she was in between my legs and like 3 centimeters away from my face. Then I got this bad feeling in my gut, I couldn't tell what it was but I felt like something was wrong. I guess Capri noticed cause she pulled me up off the ground with a concerned face.

"You okay, you look pale." She touched my face. "Somethings wrong I feel it." After she convinced me I was just being paranoid and we turn on the tv seeing the news.

"A suicide attempt has just happened on Roland Dr, a girl jumped down from a 3 story house, as of right now the victim is in critical condition and it's not looking so good." The man spoke with disappointment and his next words made everything go in slow motion. "Victim Makiya Johnson has been put in the hospital as they are trying to stabilize her."

I just started crying as I hauled ass to my car with keys in hand and nothing else with Capri right on my heels.

I sped to Makiya's house to see if I was dreaming and like the man said it was hella people crowded around the house some with their phones out recording as they rolled Makiya into the ambulance with wires connected to her. I told them I was her girlfriend so they would let me on. They sped off towards the hospital running all the red lights and pulled into the the parking lot crooked as hell. I left my car with Capri and she pulled up soon after. Everything was just happening so fast at a slow pace.

They dragged her off to the back yelling orders to the nurses. One minute I was standing their dumbfounded the next I was being pulled into a hug by Capri. I just let it all out I couldn't hold it in anymore. "Why, why would she t-try to kill herself ? Was I not good enough I didn't support her enough? What did I do so wrong." Capri shushed me while holding me up with one arm and holding my head in the other.

"It's okay maybe it wasn't you, she might have had her own reasons for doing tha- what she did." She held me tighter as I let my body go limp. "She could have said something, she told me nomore secrets."

We just talked about this, it's hurting me that she lied to me. "We just talked about th- I shouldn't have left her alone, this is my fault she told me her girlfriend was abusing her and I-i just left her." I trailed of really thinking that it was my fault.

"You didn't know and we won't know until she is stabilized, Dasani this isn't your fault." She comforted me. I just need to think I sat down in one of the chairs just biting my nail and thinking while Capri made some phone calls. I hadnt even noticed I was dozing off but I didn't wanna be awake either so I just closed my eyes.

                   Capri's POV

I hate hospitals, I ABSOLUTELY HATE HOSPITALS. They smell like dead people and windex. The white walls make me insane and the nursed drive me mad. But the reason me being here is acceptable.

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