Chapter 3 : Shota Love Letters

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By the time I returned to my college, I still had four more days of vacation. Many people came out of the college to see me. I wish they hadn't because their large size intimidated me. Everyone was taller than me. As for me I was residing in St Columbia College. One of the many colleges that surround the University of Western Australia. Colleges in Australia are actually dormitories where students stay while they were studying at the University. At my college we had males and females staying together, we were a mix dormitory.

I was glad when I went back to my own room on the ground floor. I was glad to be alone. As I walk through my room door, I noticed there were many letters under my door way, lying there, waiting for me to pick them up. Some girls must have slipped their love letter underneath the door into my room. Yes ! I have female love interests ! Yes ! Up yours God ! It looks like my charm and beauty have gathered me a female harem ! My mouth began to curl up into a smile and my heart beat faster happily. I could not wait to tear these love letters open.

As I tore these letters open and began to read them. My heart began to sink lower and lower. Why are all these letters from guys ? Don't tell me they can't tell the difference between a guy and a girl ? What is wrong with Australians, are they all perverts ?! I feel like shouting like a mad man. I began cursing again for almost thirty minutes as I felt a cold sweat flow down my back and my chrysanthemum tightened involuntarily (Note : chrysanthemum = anal hole). Why did God want me to have a male harem and am I the female ? I am a 48 year old Japanese man ! What's wrong with you God !?

After I calm my nerves I noticed that it was almost dinner time. Ah ! Time to have a good meal at the college canteen. You see all colleges or dormitories around the University of Western Australia provide three meals a day for students at a fixed time. Think of it as a prison camp where the prisoners get to move about freely but their meal time is fixed. He. He. He. I suppose I have a twisted sense of humour.

As I pushed the Shota love letters to the back of mind, I move out of my room. I have to push it to the back of my mind as these are scary large guys professing their love towards me. And I am a 48 year old Japanese man in a body of a Shota ! Walking down happily towards the canteen I was greeted by a few older, much older men who were in their early twenties. They were going in the same direction as me to the canteen.

"Hey Nikita !" One of the men shouted.

I turned towards the group of men noticing one of them was Mark who had professed his love to me in his letter. I instinctively swallowed my saliva down my dry throat. It had the effect of making the men surrounding me saying, "how cute.". Not something that I wanted.

"What do you want Mark ?", I asked as I stopped walking and I was surrounded by a group of men. I noticed out of the group that surrounded me, more than 70% of them had professed their love to me in their love letters. Damn ! I wish I hadn't read those love letters. I had cold sweat flowing down my face and my chrysanthemum involuntarily tightened (Note : chrysanthemum = anal hole). Mark and the group of men were towering over my tiny slim body.

"How about you have dinner with me ?", Mark asked with a leer towards me.

"No thanks.", I said as I moved away quickly (Nikita Ong).

My arm was suddenly caught by Mark and I was pushed down to the ground by Mark. In my struggle the T-shirt that I was wearing was torn by Mark exposing my perfect white porcelain skin. Mark began to look at me lustfully.

"Mark. What are you doing ?", I said nervously like a mouse (Nikita Ong).

"Nothing. Just wanted to invite you back to my room. I have pizza there.", Mark said as his saliva drooled down. Mark looked like a hungry beast looking at prey.

"Teacher ! Thank god you are here !", I shouted out (Nikita Ong).

Mark and the rest of the men surrounding me looked away from me as I ran away from them towards the canteen. I made it ! I successfully got away from Mark and the guys that were eyeing me like a piece of delicious meat. Okay, what do I do now ? This wasn't in my story ! At least I have the brains to shout out that teacher was there to get away. Of course the teacher or the dorm master was not really there. There was nobody there. It's just Mark and the guys surrounding me were too dumb.

As I walked into the canteen, everyone noticed my torn T-shirt and my frazzled hair. I just walked slowly towards the girls table and pleaded with them to accept me. I sat down at the all girls table as I watched Mark and the rest of the guys walking into the canteen.

Adam Smith, owner of Smith security's POV

I have assigned myself to look after Nikita Ong, my sweet delicious boy. If there ever comes a day that the protection contract for Nikita is cancelled, I would swoop down for Nikita. I will make him feel the love of a true man, Nikita will never ever forget me. I have been changing security guards for Nikita all the time as my staff keeps on falling in love with Nikita. Nikita is mine and belongs to no one else ! No one can have Nikita ! Except me !

Wait a minute Nikita is coming out of his room now. There seems to be a group of young guys surrounding him. What are they doing ? Hey they are after my Nikita ! That won't do. I am rushing over. Wait. Nikita has escaped from them and entered the canteen for St. Columbia College. Looks like I will hide my presence for the moment.

Nikita Ong's POV

Mark and the guys seem to be looking at me (Nikita Ong). They have chosen a table near my table. And Mark seems to be leering at me. How disgusting ! Can't you see I am a 48 year old man ! Oh! I forgot I am in a Shota Feast's body now. I have to find a way to save myself. Wait, someone in coming in. I recognise him. He is Colin Potter. If I remember correctly he owes Nikita Ong quite a bit as Nikita paid for Colin Potter's education. Colin Potter has nymph blood as well however his nymph father is dead and his normal mother remarried a bad man. The bad man tried to rape Colin and Colin's mother divorced the bad man. Due to that their financial situation wasn't very good. However Nikita Ong decided to help Colin by paying for his University fees. Colin Potter should by now have found out from his mother that his education was fully paid by Nikita. There Colin Potter is coming towards me.

"Nikita, we need to talk.", Colin Potter said to me.

"Come. Sit down next to me. We can talk later in my room.", I said innocently (Nikita Ong).

With Colin Potter next to me I have protection now. It seems Mark and the guys are no longer leering at me. They seem to be extremely angry at Colin Potter. I have to use Colin Potter to protect myself from all these sexual predators in St. Columbia College. As we ate our dinner quietly I looked nervously at Mark and the guys. Ah ! Mark and the guys have left the canteen. I am saved ! My chrysanthemum is saved (Note: chrysanthemum = anal hole) !

As Colin Potter walked back with me to my room. I thought of what I could do to get better protection in St Columbia College. Some things were different from my story, "Immortalis" and some things were the same. I thought to myself, I have to do it ! I have to get Colin Potter's protection by hook or crook. Looks like I have to make some sacrifices....

(Note : next chapter Boy Love Cafe ??? Hope you enjoyed it. And thanks for the support)

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