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We've been in Miami for almost an entire week but left because the girls have school. It's their last week before summer so I thought it'd be best they show up.

"Mom, when can you find out what you're having? I want a little brother. Or nephew, really. Still, a boy." Jet asked as I watched her get ready for school.

"No matter the gender, that is your sibling. Not your niece or nephew, not around here. You and your sister are mine, okay?"

"Even if you were just our big sister, we'd still technically be yours."

I shrugged, "Yeah, but it's different." I said.

"Whatever you say, Toni."

I got up to fix her tie. "Call me Toni again, and I'll tie this little tie of yours a bit too tight." I said slightly tightening it.

"Okay, okay, okay." She said making me loosen it back. "I think it's a girl. You're more demonic than usual." She added.

"Well between you and Monroe irritating my soul, this baby renting my body, and Bryan getting on my very last nerve, I have the right."

My bump actually started showing a tad. I have the cutest little pouch which makes me excited for it to get even bigger.

"You and Bryan are still not talking?" Monroe asked coming in the room. She used some of Jet's hair mousse before turning to me for my answer.

"We talk. Kind of. He says hi, I say hi. I sit with him, he sleeps, takes his pills, and whatever else. Then I kiss him goodbye when I leave. That was the routine."

It sounds really bad once said out loud.

Monroe chuckled, "So, again, you and Bryan still aren't talking."

"Basically." Jet added.

I surrendered, "Basically."

"You two are a hot ass mess."

"Jet, language." I scorned.

"She's right, though. Why don't you two just get married and forget about all the crap? Haven't y'all been together for a year already?" Monroe asked.

"In a month."

Roe sighed with disappointment. "So cut the crap, woman! Go to him and talk it out. You guys are grown and are acting like three months ago you weren't attached at the hip."

"Yeah, but it's different now bec–"

"Different, my behind." Jet mumbled before looking at her sister then me. "Sorry. Continue Monroe."

I threw my hands up. "I was the one talking when you interrupted." I reminded her.

"I know. But Monroe is giving you a stern talking to so unless you want me to call Auntie Tay so she can give you a piece of her mind, I suggest you listen to my sister." She said seriously. She looked at Monroe and gave her the go-ahead.

"When Bryan was staying here all the time, like that period when it was every day. Like every freaking minute of every day like he didn't hav–"

Jet coughed and bulged her eyes at Monroe, who seemed to be getting out topic.

"Right, sorry. Anyway, he said that the one thing he doesn't want is for you to ever feel like a small issue could come between to two because he is in love with you and wants to marry you." She said. "Is the issue y'all have now so big that that doesn't apply?"

I shrugged and looked off. I honestly still don't know why Bryan is taking this to heart. Before my mind wandered off, "You and him talked about him and I?"

"I was there too." Jet added.

"And what was said? When even was this?"

"The same night him and us had that conversation in the family room. We talked more after you fell asleep. He ordered us pizza and we watched movies all night." Jet said before walking out.

"He basically went on and on about how much he loves you, and adores you. A much of mushy stuff."

I smiled lightly trying not to show my joy in this. "And what else?"

"He said three major things. Wanna know 'em?" Monroe taunted. And like a baby, I nodded stupidly with a smile on my face. "Fine, but you owe me three things in return."

I rolled my eyes, "What, you bootyhole?" Sometimes I really treat them like the little sisters they are instead of my daughters. It is more of the genuine times we have together.

"I tell you one thing at a time and you owe one of my three things with each." She stuck her hand out.

I shook her hand. "Fine, go."

"Numéro un: He said he doesn't want to go a day without you because even though you may feel as if he saved you, you really saved him. He feels like everyday with you, he's getting a new chance at life."

I knew exactly what he meant.

"Numbers two and three have to wait. I am running late for school." Jet came in and said.

I checked the time and we were supposed to leave ten minutes ago.

"Shit, let's go."

"Oh no, you owe me. I want to go see Beyonce on the On The Run II tour." Monroe said.

"You have your own money, Monroe. Why wou–"

"If I miss school one more time, they will send you to court!" Jet yelled from the foyer.

"You haven't even missed ten days! The max is twenty!" I yelled back.

"Well, then let's not pass ten, right? Let's go!"

I looked at Monroe who was blocking the doorway. She had no worries about leaving because her class has a field trip and they don't have to be in school for another hour. "Fine, tenth row tickets." I said.




"I'm not going to be late, Mom! Either you take me or I'm going outside and driving the Porsche to school myself!" Jet yelled.

"Fifth and merchandise." I offered.

Monroe scanned me up and down. "Third, merchandise, and backstage passes."


She moved aside as I dashed down the stairs, through the house, and out the garage. Just in time, Jet had started the Porsche and was ready.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Your sister is insane." I said getting in the driver's seat.

"Yeah, I know. Now, may I go to school?" She asked.

I smiled and drove out the garage. I was eager to come back and find out those other two major things Bryan and the girls spoke about.

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