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"Un-fucking-believable." I snarked before turning back to my car. I really wasn't in the mood for the games right now. I had a really good night and didn't need the stress.

He followed me and started to apologize. "Baby, I know I've been an ass for leaving you hanging but I forgive you and I really hope you forgive me."

I turned away after closing the car door and smiled. "Calling me baby isn't gonna change my mind..." I used the same phrase he used against the other night since he thought it was cute to do that. "And I don't really care enough right now, if you don't mind, please leave."

"Fine... goodnight. I love you."

I got all tense hearing those words pour from his mouth. I didn't think we even were halfway to the point of love.

"Goodnight, Bryan." I said heading inside. "Wait."

He stopped me in my tracks and I turned around. I was expecting him to curse me out because I didn't return the affectionate words but, "Here."

He handed me the roses and went to his car.

I went inside and laid my stuff down before I stared at the roses. There was a note inside which made me smile a little. I took it out and opened it.

I forgive you and I love you, Toni.
Love, Bryan.

I sat the roses down on the table and went upstairs to take a shower and go to bed.
I was downstairs cooking breakfast when Jet and Monroe came in. They still had tiredness in their eyes and their gorgeous little faces were still swollen.

"Goodmorning, babies."

I knew I wasn't going to get a response, but they looked so cute. And they are my little monsters, a few days of teenage ignorance wasn't going to kill me.

I sat their breakfast plates in front of them and kissed their heads. I felt Jet hold her breath which made me giggle a little.

I sat across from them and ate my food. "Who sent the flowers?"

I looked up and was shocked. Monroe finally spoke, not in the nicest tone or about anything meaningful to us as a family, but I'll take it over the silent treatment.

"B sent them." I nonchalantly said back.


"About the same situation you and your sister are upset about. Which I think we should talk about." I said as I eat.

"Why was he upset?" Jet asked ignoring my last sentence.

"Uhm. When you guys brought it up that day, I apparently butt-dialed him. He overheard and wanted to go as well. I still did not agree with us all going on a vacation together because it is way too soon to do that weird ass family bond shit. I said some things and he found it offensive–"

"So if he got offended, why are you getting flowers? That makes no sense."

"Because I apologized and he must feel bad about not telling me sooner that he forgave me. I don't know." I didn't throw out the 'I Love You' part because that word around here isn't supposed to be thrown around.

I stared at them and waited for them to say something else. "Can we talk about the tension in the house now?" I asked.

They looked at each other and then look at me and nodded. I cracked a quick smile before getting serious.

"That night when you came in mad, you weren't you. It kinda sucked seeing you that way. You've never had so much hate in your eyes." Jet said. "I guess we never thought you'd hate even a sliver of hate for us."

A tear slipped her eye as she quickly wiped it away.

Monroe spoke next. "You called us some mean things too. We heard you. You probably didn't mean it, we know that, but hearing it was upsetting. We cried that night. You came in yelling with no explanation and said you'd kill us."

I felt my heart start to rip apart slowly.

"We know you weren't actually going to, but all of that really hurt us." Monroe said getting stuffy. I could hear it in her voice... all the tears and pain wanting to release.

"We aren't your daughters, but we didn't ever expect to feel like we really weren't." She said finally releasing her tears and putting her face in her hands.

I immediately got up and wrapped her in my arms. I looked over at Jet and pulled her in to. We were now all crying.

I felt so bad and I wished they'd communicate this with me earlier instead of letting it harbor and fester.

I picked Jet out her chair and sat her on my lap and had Monroe look at me. "Listen to me, you two are the biggest blessings I've ever received. Even when we were younger and you were annoying. I apologize from the bottom of my heart that I made you feel that way. I didn't mean to blow up like that nor did I mean the things I said. It's just... with Bryan, everything is getting serious and I'm not ready to add anyone into our family."

They nodded as I continued.

"Growing up, our father was the biggest ass and he didn't ever make me feel like men were good people. So, now, with this relationship, more than others, I'm hesitant. I don't want you girls getting attached nor I do want to myself. I don't know but I'd never even think about killing you, well..." I paused which made them chuckle.

"No, seriously, I wouldn't and I never at one point in life had any hate in my heart for either of you. Okay? I love love love you, guys. You're my babies and that's never gonna change." I pulled them both in a hug and kissed them.

"We love you back." They said in unison.

excuse mistakes

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