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"Mom! I'm about to cut somebody, and that somebody is named Jet." Monroe said walking my room.

I rolled over and looked at her. I've had the longest couple days and all I'm trying to do is sleep before the meetings Bryan set tomorrow.

I have to meet up with two record labels tomorrow, Atlantic and UMG. Then the next day, I have to go to Epic and Motown. Today is the only day I get to sleep all day, except now.

"Babe, please let me sleep. I have important business to do tomorrow and I need my rest." Her eyes squinted as she came up to me and studied my face.

"What... important business? Does it involve the club?"

"No, Monroe. I'll tell you if it works out. I don't wanna jinx anything. Now, please, whatever you and Jet are arguing about, stop. Let me rest."

I rolled back over and listened to her grunt on her way out. Just as my eyes began to droop, my phone rang. "Why me.. What did I do to deserve this agony?" I asked myself as I reached for my phone.

I instantly sat up seeing Bryan's number. I answered and was blushing like crazy.

"Hi, baby. I miss you." I said. It's been four days without him and this is first time we've spoke since he got there. He called to let me know he landed safely and that was it.

"Hey, I miss you, too. How are you, beautiful?"

"Kinda fine. I'm tryna rest for these meetings tomorrow but these rugrats are all on me."

He chuckled into the phone making me smile hearing his laugh, "I miss y'all, man." He said.

"Y'all? You miss the girls?" I said in awe.

I knew he was fond of the girls, but him missing them has got to be the cutest thing I've ever heard. This was better than him just missing me.

"Of course. Not to insert myself, but y'all deadass my family. I don't got nobody else."

Tears were starting to well up in my eyes as he continued.

"I love you more and more everyday because the way you love those girls. You hustle ya ass harder than any nigga I know just to make sure Jet and Roe not just living life, but living a lifestyle. I especially love you because you let me in and let me bond with them. You a dope ass chick, Ms. Toni Michele."

I wiped my eyes and nose.

"Don't get all emotional on me, girl." He said. I laughed as I wiped the last wet spots on my face.

"I'm not.... Well, I am, but that was just beautiful. Thank you. I love you, too. So do the girls, and you aren't inserting yourself into my family, you've always had a spot." I said smiling.

"Thank you, T. Listen, I got to go, but I'll try to call you again soon. Miss you, baby."

"Miss you, too."

When the line disconnected, my heart dropped. I miss being with him, and even though it's only been four days, it feels like forever.

I felt a tear drizzle down my face and I chuckled at my own feelings. I was falling in love and couldn't stop it for the life of me.

I looked over at the bear Bryan gave me a few months back. I grabbed it and cuddled with it as I looked at the dozen flowers he sent yesterday. Yeah, this is definitely the feeling of slowly falling in love.

The last eight months full of memories with him started flooding my brain. From the moment we meant, the second our eyes connected, I felt love.


I slid down the pole and heard some guy call out to me. I looked down off stage and some sexy chocolate man covered in tattoos was staring me down. He didn't look me in the eye, but everywhere else.


I winked at him and did a quick pole dance solely for him. He began to lavish me in money. It was amazing. He must've spent nearly two thousand dollars on me; all I saw were hundreds flying from his hand.

When I finished, I sat at the edge of the stage. "What's a successful fine man like yourself doing here?" I asked swinging my feet. He approached me and stood between my legs. "What's a successful fine lady like yourself doing here?"

Smart ass, I like it.

Exactly then, we looked into each other's eyes and...
My book The Story of Jackson, Mississippi is going to be published sometime this week maybe😉 I'll be releasing the cast right now though so check it out❤️

White Knight [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now