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I rushed into the girl's school and repetitively pushed the bell to get in the office. Damn private schools with all this precaution.

As soon as the secretary let me in, I ran in. "Ms. Braxton. To what do we owe the pleasure?" Mrs. Redd asked with a smile.

"Yeah, hi. Can you call the girls down? We have a family emergency and we need to go, now." I said frantically.

"Of course." She went to the intercom and called the girls to the office. "Might I ask, is everything okay? You seem antsy." She said to me.

"A family friend. He's across the country and we need to be there literally now."

"Oh my. Well, I'm terribly sorry." She sympathized.

I smiled and paced the office until the girls came in. "Hi babies." I said as they walked over.

"Hey, mom. What are you doing here?" Monroe skeptically asked.

"I'll explain on the way. Do you have your stuff?"

They both shook their heads no. Unfortunately, there was no time for them to go back and get it.

"Do you have your phones?"

"Of course." Jet answered. They held them out.

"Great, let's go. Thank you." I waved to Mrs. Redd on the way out and speed-walked to car with the girls on my tail.

I rushed home and parked the car. "Okay, listen. I need you to go inside and pack a bag for a week, yes?"

"Yeah, but what's happening?"

I sighed, "Bryan's in the hospital. Someone shot him." It brought tears to my eyes to even think about. When Wayne told me, I might've blown the mic in my phone. My heart tore and I felt empty.

"Pack, now." I said through my broken voice.

They ran inside without any more questions. I hit the wheel before opening the car door. I went inside and took my bags to the car. I had to find the earliest commercial flight to Miami, which will take us four hours. Its long but I want to get there safely.

"I'm ready, Mom." Monroe said carrying her duffel down the stairs.

"Okay, go help your sister. We have an hour until this flight."

She ran back up the stairs and went into Jet's room. I put her bags into the car and waited for them to come outside. Soon they were in the car and I sped off to the airport.

I looked in the rear view mirror and saw Monroe hyperventilating. "What's wrong, babygirl?"

"I-It's just... I don't want t-to lose h-him, too."

I wanted to pull over and wrap her in my arms but my heart was so concerned about Bryan. "Count with me. Okay?"

We started counting together all the way to the airport. We must've counted up in the thousands. I parked and told Jet to get her bag and I carried mine and Monroe's.

I told Monroe to run to the front revolving door of the airport, of course, being cautious. But the doctors told her that a simple and quick jog could make her feel better and depress her anxiety.

Once we landed in Miami, I woke the girls up. Monroe was feeling a lot better after I had her run to the airport and jog around the chairs at the gateway.

"C'mon. We gotta go, ASAP." We all grabbed our bags and rushed out the Miami airport.

"Geesh." Jet said as we walked outside into the beaming sun. It was hot as hell. "Mom, we're still in our uniforms." Monroe gritted.

"Change in the car."

I looked for the sprinter that was supposed to be picking us up, which took half an hour.

"What the hell took you so long?" I snapped.

"Relax, T."

"You know him?" Jet asked. "He looks like Slenderman." She whispered.

I pinched her arm, "Get your ass in the van." They both got inside and sat in the back. I took a seat in the front and told Slim to hurry up.

"Slim, these are my girls. Jet and Monroe." I said after we pulled off. "Girls, this is Bryan's brother, Slim."

"I see where he got the name from." I heard Monroe snicker.

"Wanna get let off here?" I said pointing to the green swamp beside the van. She instantly shook her head no. "Then cut the jokes. Today's not the day."

"What happened?" I asked Slim.

"He flew in in the middle of the night and wanted to go clubbing. What the man wants, he gets, so the whole gang went out to the strip club. He got enemies out here so it's not surprising someone popped him. He's pretty fucked up, they got him three times. His arm twice and his stomach."

I groaned and palmed my face. Of course, I feel like it's my fault. I sent him home last night but had he stayed with me, this wouldn't have happened.

We were in the hospital in a matter of minutes due to the short distance. "Hi, I'm looking for my fiancé." I said to the lady at the front desk. "His name is Bryan Williams."

"Room 613."

The girls and I went ahead with Slim behind us. The ride up to the sixth floor was overwhelming. Slim laid his hand on my shoulder, "He'll be a'ight, T. He's a strong guy."

The elevator door opened and we walked to room 16. There was security at the door but Slim gave him the okay for me and the girls. He opened the door for us and the sight was horrible.

"Hi, baby." I cried.

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