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We've been sitting here for almost half an hour in pure silence. I couldn't say he can't come in, I'd hate myself for pushing him away.

He apologized again when he came in and again when we sat down. My ego is really stopping me from forgiving him.

"Toni. I fucked up. Bad." He started. "I feel like a dick for what I said and I want you to know, I'm sorry for real. I like you, mama. I don't want to lose you before you even mines."

I inwardly blushed and was smiling like crazy. But I had to lay down the law with him.

"Listen. I'm not usually one to harbor on a bad vibe but what you said really hurt. Matter fact, it wasn't even what you said. I literally couldn't give less of a damn about what you said anymore. It's the fact that you said it." I admitted. I could tell he didn't get where I was coming from.

"I opened up to you, Bryan. You know more about me than anybody else I've ever met and when you tried to use my job, that I have to provide for my kids, against me and put me down.. I felt like I was dealing with my father."

I let out a sigh as I finally got that off my chest.

"I told you so many times and vented to you about him and how he made me feel like shit almost my entire childhood. That night, you talked to me like he would or like someone who knows nothing about me would." I said.

He placed his hand to his head and began rubbing his forehead. I could tell he felt like even more of a dick.

He lifted his head and looked me dead in the eye for awhile. "Come here." He more so asked than demanded, which was smart on his end.

I hesitated but stood up and sat next to him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my forehead. I snuggled into his chest and waited for him to say something as I inhaled his nice cologne.

"I didn't understand that's where you was coming from, T. I am even more sorry now. I don't know what got into me that night but I can tell you now, that shit will never happen again. I know you hustling and busting that fine ass of yours for ya girls and I would never downplay ya grind." He said as he played in my hair.

"If I ever slip like that, you can cut my dick off and feed it to your dog or sum' shit." He said making me laugh. I feel like I missed a movie or viral video, everyone talking about cutting off dicks.

"Please, forgive me. I swear you will never hear dumb shit like that again." He swore.

I looked up at him and for the first time, felt legitimate butterflies in my stomach.

I leaned up and pecked his lips. After, I snuggled back under him and made myself comfortable. "I forgive you."

"Can you promise me something though?" He asked.

"Promise me that if I ever hurt your feelings like that, that you'll tell me and not have me go crazy about you." He said.

I laughed and agreed to his term.

He fixed himself on the couch so that he was laying down and I was laying on him.

"Bitch, you know that I– Well what in the hell is going on here?" Tamar asked coming into the living room. Before I could answer, she put the clues together and started her harassment.

"Ohhh, so you Bryan?" She asked as Bryan and I sat up on the couch.

"Yeah, that's me. And you are?" He asked with his hand out to shake.

She stared at his hand and then back at him. "I'm Tamar and Toni, here, is my bitch. Fuck with her again and you gonna wish you didn't have a penis. Understand me, sir?"

Bryan lowered his hand and nodded his head. "I promise you won't hear any report like that again. Every nigga gets one fuck up, am I right?" He said with a little chuckle.

I sideyed him, so did Tamar. "Ladies, I'm kidding."

"Well as long as we understand each other, it's nice to meet you, Bryan." She said sticking her hand out to shake. They shook hands as Tamar whispered something in his ear making him snicker.

"What did you say?" I asked. She thought about telling me before blurting it out. "I told that man something that doesn't involve you." She said giving me a stank eye.

I looked at Bryan who was still laughing, well, until he saw my face. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek. "Don't even worry about it, shorty. It was something that's gonna happen eventually."

Tamar snickered before calling the girls in.

"Tamar!" I whisper yelled. "I was not going to introduce them today!"

She shrugged and smiled as the girls came into the living room. I removed Bryan's hand from my waist and stood up.

"Monroe, Jet. This is–"

"Bryan. Nice to meet you. I've heard some stuff about you, I hope you have enjoyed having your pe–" Monroe started but I covered her mouth with my hand and pulled her into me.

"This one is Monroe. She's an angel, I swear." I smiled at Bryan and kept my hand over her mouth.

"And you must be Jet. Nice to meet you." Bryan said shaking hands with her.

"Yeah, I have a question for you?" Jet asked after looking at me.

"Do you know much my mom makes?" She tried to whisper. I covered her mouth and pulled her into me as well. "Do not answer that, B."

I spent the rest of the afternoon trying to filter the girls and Tamar's mouth as they interrogated Bryan.


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