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Toni was still straddling me after I asked that question. She looked like a deer in headlights.


She groaned and let her head fall back. "Do we have to talk about that? It was months ago." She said trying to avoid the conversation.

"Yes, we do. I may not be their father but it's important I know certain stuff so I don't slip up, you know this. How many times do I say I don't want to mess up by being blindsided?" My tone was getting high which was obviously making her uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry." I sighed and took her hands, "Look at me, please."

She rolled her eyes to my direction and folded her arms after snatching her hand from me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get loud. I just don't think I should blindsided, especially with situations like that with conversations like this." I repeated in a calmer tone.

"I get that, I just didn't want to air out her business. I still don't even know what happened, she didn't tell me. She spoke to the police, the doctors, and Rhonda. So there's nothing more to even tell."

She seemed sincere and frustrated. I remember her genuinely feeling like that situation was her fault, so I would imagine she still felt like that.

"Alright. Is there anything else that I should know?" I asked.

"Not that I can think of right now. Can we go take a nap though?" She pouted and laid her head on my shoulders. She's such a baby.

"Sure, babygirl." I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist. "My big baby." I laughed. She laughed as she wrapped her arms around my neck. We went upstairs to her room and laid down.

"Thanks for talking with them." She mumbled. I looked over at her half asleep.

"Anything for my family." I said back.
I woke up in the night. I rolled over and checked the time and we slept for almost 9 hours. I looked down at Toni, who is sleeping.

Somebody could throw a party, have a loud ass band, a thousand people, and even rob her... She would not wake up. She sleeps like a dead person.

"Michele?" I shook her body gently.

She groaned and flipped over, throwing her leg over my chest. Not only does she sleep long and deep, she sleeps like those inflatable tube dancer outside of car washes.

I easied from under her leg and got out the bed. I can't wait until we come to some agreement to hopefully move the family to my house. Her house is big and it's nice, but mine is bigger and nicer.

Plus, I miss my mancave. She didn't force me to basically move in, but we spend every second together and it just happened. Maybe I'll just split my time here and at my house.

I opened the door and heard one of the girls downstairs. I knocked on Jet's room door and she opened it. "Oh, hey, Bryan. What's up?" She smiled suspiciously and I figured something was up.

"What you sneaking?" I asked.

"Niceeee, you're good. Mom would've never thought I was up to something, nor would I have told her. But since you're Bryan, and Mom wants us to bond, come in, let me tell you my problems." Her tone got more serious, and nervous was an understatement of my mood.

I walked in and stood in the center of her surprisingly huge room. "Here, sit at my vanity." She said pointing to the girliest thing I've ever seen.

"Jet, I ain't sitting there." I said. Instead, I sat at the bench at the foot of her bed and waited for this story. Jet acts just like Toni, so I can imagine their story tellings are similar; long and dramatic.

She went on and on about some boy named Vonni and how much she liked him. She didn't know how to tell him and really wanted to sit next to him at lunch, but she was scared.

"When are you allowed to date?" I asked cutting her off her rant.

"Mom said it doesn't matter because she trust us not to be nasty children, which she is certainly right about, sex is not for me." She rolled her neck and waved her church finger.

"Okay, well, just introduce yourself and be kind. Don't be sassy, and be his friend before you want to be his girlfriend. He'll fall right into the friend trap then charm him and he's yours." I said. I nodded realizing this parent stuff was a piece of cake.

She had a puzzled look on her face, "Wow, thanks." She said. "But, now that you are basically apart of our family, you shall get the same treatment Mom and Monroe get." She said.

"Which is?"

"Me kicking you out. Out, now, goodnight." She said as sweet as she could while still coming off sassy.

"Night, crazy girl." I laughed on my way out. I headed downstairs and saw Monroe taking some pills. "Hey." I said making my presence known.

"Hi." She said sounding kinda sad.

"That's not the tone I'm used to hearing from you. What's wrong?" I found myself really driving this parenting thing, hopefully I know where my mouth is leading me.

"Nothing, just taking these pills always remind me of the whole rape thing and it's not the coolest memory." She said with her head down.

I walked up to her and picked her head up. "Looking down is a sign of you not being confident within yourself and the second you aren't, everybody sees that and you and the world starts to believe you aren't. Keep your head high, through everything."

I walked to the fridge and noticed no food. "Man, ya mom is slacking." I heard her laugh which made me laugh.

"Yeah, she's been at those meetings all this week and when she gets home, she sleeps and Jet and I will just order some pizza." She said. "The pizza is better than her cooking sometimes though."

I laughed aloud. "How about I order some pizza and you, Jet, and I can watch a movie your mom doesn't let y'all watch? Sounds cool.?" I asked.

Not to go against Toni's parenting, but somebody had to be cool around here.

"Can we watch that Kevin Hart movie with The Rock? Mom hates Kevin Hart and won't let us watch any of his movies." She begged.

"Go get Jet and I'll call the pizza guy. We gonna have a bonding night." We high fived before she ran off to get her sister.

"I hope Toni don't wake up." I said realizing I was going against her wishes. "Hello, Mr. Migoti's Pizza?"
next chapter goes back to Toni's POV, i just thought this was a good part to add in🧡

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