Chapter 18

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Greg P.O.V

Yesterday, I noticed Kamsi wasn't at the studio so I got worried. I asked Harrison and he said she isn't feeling too well.

I became worried,I brought out my phone from my pocket,swipe through my contact list,I stopped when I saw 'my weirdo',I smiled as the thought of her came to my mind,I pressed dial,it rang but she didn't pick. Oooohhh,it must be serious. I called again she didn't pick. When I called the third time she picked.

"Hello,good afternoon", she said with her tiny voice,her voice sounded like she has been crying all day. I began to think of the things that bastard might hv done to her.

"Good afternoon, y arent u at work today",I asked hoping she will tell me what he has done to her.

" I'm not feeling too well that's y ",she said sounding nervous. Okay,something is wrong.

" Are u okay? Will u be fine? Will u be okay?",I asked sounding worried.

"It depends on how u look at it but I will be fine", she said trying to sound jovial.

" I really want to talk to you. Can I come and visit u?",I asked

"Now is not the right time", she said reluctantly.

"So when is the right time?", I asked

" Never",she said quickly.

"If u don't give me a reasonable answer I will come to your house ASAP", I said.

" You are bluffing ",was what she said

" Do u think so?",I asked

"Fine,tomorrow", she said and I felt excited.

" Okay,I will pick u up",I said.

"No,I'll meet u at the studio. Bye", she said and hunged up.

So today I HV planned a little surprise for her.


Kamsi P. O.V

As I entered the studio I saw it was decorated beautifully. I saw a banner and it was written 'Welcome back our crazy Kamsi'. Its was really cute. I saw presents wrapped neatly.

" Welcome back",Harrison said as he hugged me and pecked me.

"Thanks. Who did this? Its amazing,I love it", I said I still hvnt recovered from the surprise.

" Its Greg. He wants to see u, he is in his office. Its seems he has a thing for you",he said as he winked.

"Shut up", I said as I went to Greg's office.

When I reached his door I took a deep breath and knocked then I entered.

"Harrison said u want to see me", I said.

" Can't u at least thank me for the surprise. You proud woman",he said with a smile.

"Fine, I am really grateful. So can u tell me y u wanted to c me?", I asked

" Can u at least sit down?",he asked

"No", I said

"Fine,suit yourself. Anyways I am sorry for hurting u. I didn't mean it,I swear. I actually care about u,its just that out of everyone u had to get married to,you married that bastard. You don't deserve him,u deserve better. I know am not perfect but I promise if u gv me another chance, you will be the happiest woman on earth",he said,I could tell he was sincere but he has no idea how hurt I was.

" You think if u apologize,everything will go back to the way they were? Well no. You HV no idea how hurt I was. I actually did love u",he cut me short by asking"wait,y is it in past tense ".

"Well its because I don't love u anymore", I said turning my back at him. I didn't want him to c how weak I am.

" you are lying. I know u still love me because I love u just as much",he said as he put his hand on my shoulder. Just that little gesture sent shiver down my spine. He is right who am I kidding I am crazy about him. I HV never felt this way about anybody before.

"Why do u guys hate each other? Why do u hate each others guts?", I asked as I turned staring him in the eye.

" Nothing",he said not looking at me.

"Nothing, right? No problem", I said as I set to leave him,his voice held me back.

" He was married to my sister. He betrayed her by sleeping with different kind of woman as a result my sister was heartbroken, she was depressed. I HV never seen her that hurt before. She began to distance her self from us;my twin brother and I, her twin brother and my parents. If she would HV told us wat was wrong with her than maybe, just maybe.......... she would HV been alive today.......... When she confronted him,he beat her too death. I wasnt around when it happened but when my mum called to inform me I was mad. She was my only sister. My brothers got mad and beat the bastard to coma but it wasn't enough. I wanted him to kill him with my bare hands. She was really close to me,she was my younger sister. The bastard wasnt even feeling remorseful....... He began to flirt with my best friend. Again I wasn't around when it happened, I was in Europe. When I came back the bastard flee and I HV been trying to hunt that bastard down ever since. If I get my hands on him,I swear I will murder him. That's y when I saw u dancing with him,I got mad,I will HV gone to where u stood and beat him till he became numb but I did want to lose u,I didn't want to scare u so I walked out. I was never like this I swear I became this way ever since my sister died. That guy is bad news I swear. I love u and I can do anything for u but please believe me.",he said as he drew me into his arms.

I was shocked, so that bastard is a murderer. So Greg is not that arrogant, he became this way just because of his sisters death. And my husband or rather my soon to be ex husband is a son of a bitch. Damn,am horrible. Mum was right I will regret marrying him. As he drew me into his arms I felt safe and just like the weak girl I am I began to cry.

"Sweetheart, what happened?", he asked holding me tightly but gently as he stroked my hair.

" He hurt me. He got his personal assistant pregnant ", I said in tears. I could feel he was angry like seriously angry. If he set his gorgeous hazel eyes on that bastard, there is no stopping him from ripping him apart.

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