Chapter 19

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Kamsi P. O. V

I was coming out of Channels studio before I saw my husband coming towards me with anger in his eyes.

"Ahhhh, the demon is coming", I said to myself.

" Kamsi,what the hell is wrong with you ",Andre asked with anger.

" What did I do?", I asked

"What did u and those minions do to Anna? Why did u guys beat that poor girl like that,you guys would HV killed her instead of hospitalising her?", he said angrily. Okay,his words are pissing me off.

" You are still siding that bitch after what she has done. I can't believe I got married to a piece of shit like u. Well she was saying trash about us so we put her in her place. Maybe next time tell her to mind her tongue or maybe next time we will take ur advice and kill her instead ",I said as I stood my ground. I am so ready for him.

" So u told the doctor she slipped and fell but the doctor isn't dumb enough to fall that. Thats the oldest excuse in the book Kamsi, u could do better than that.",Andre said I can tell he is concerned about his unborn child but what of me,isn't he concerned about me?? Doesn't he love me anymore??

"Did the doctor tell u I and my minions laid a finger on her? By the way what the hell are u doing here?", I asked.

" I can't believe u are asking me that stupid question. Well I came to talk to my wife who tried to kill a poor girl.",he said.

"Did u just call me your wife? So u acknowledge me as your wife, u asshole. You didn't think about me while u were banging her.", I said trying to calm myself down.

"Is it my fault u can't conceive? I HV been married to you for seven years,seven good years yet no child not even a miscarriage. So I decided to HV a child outside our home. I did u and I a favour", he yelled everyone stopped and stared at both of us. I felt humiliated, tears began to roll down my cheek. I can't believe he indirectly called me a barren woman in front of a whole lot of people and to make matters worse it where I work daily. I hate him so freaking much.

" Shameless man,did u just say u did this for both of us? You liar from the pit of hell, it has been in your blood right from birth,isn't that what you did to your ex wife? You cheated on her u fool. Everyone blames it on me,am I God? I am not God that gives children u idiot. Wash our dirty linen in public,stupid man. You keep embarrassing me in new ways, how u come up with such ways I HV no idea. You are a big disgrace to manhood", I yelled. I was about leaving his sight before he slapped me twice on my cheek and before I knew it ,he was on the ground with Greg untop of him.


Greg P. O. V

I was walking with the love of my life to the exit before my uncle called for me, so I took excuse from Kamsi and left to answer my uncle.

Few minutes later, I am outside I saw crowd gathered and I began to wonder what's going on. I began to look for Kamsi then I heard her voice within the crowd,so I push through the crowd and saw my worst nightmare. I saw that,that bastard raised his hands on my Angel, he is so dead and there is no stopping me from ripping him apart today.

Without warning, I ran towards Andre pushed him to the ground and began to punch him,people began to scream but no one dared to stop me. I punched him till he began to bleed,I still didn't stop I still punched him on the face,I stopped when my hand began to bleed and I heard the sweetest voice ever calling my name.

I stood up from the son of a bitch and turned to Kamsi then I saw Harrison holding her close to him. When he saw the look on my face he pulled away from her.

"Baby are u okay? Did he hurt u?", I asked checking for marks on her body.

"I am fine now", she said as she sobbed. It hurt to see her this way,I felt the urge to go and continue from where I stopped,as if she knew what i was about to do,she said.

" Let him be,please",she begged. I drew her to me and kissed her,I could feel people staring but I didn't care. When I am with her I don't care of the world. She's all I care about now.

The Wrong BondOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora