Chapter 8

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Today will be the first day I will HV to work with that arrogant bastard. If I say I am not scared then I am the worlds greatest liar,fear is an understatement. I am to broadcast during the morning news so I HV to look good. I will HV to get on Greg's good side and be on my best behavior. You may think I am overreacting but trust me,that guy is heartless........ You know all those romantic novels we read DAT there is a bad guy whose heart can be melted by only one special girl...... Well in my case its similar in the case that he is heartless but different because no girl can melt his heart.

        I just arrived at the studio and we will be live in the next five minutes. So I am rehearsing  before we go live. As I was rehearsing peaceful, that big headed goat came to meet me and asked me this questions just to annoy me"Do you speak that way or you are trying to deceive those jobless male audience??. Who will be dumb enough to fall for u??. Use your actual voice for crying out loud before u HV sore throat". I look up and see the arrogant breathtaking man,talking to me. I take a deep breath and answer the idiot,"Do you have a problem with the way I am talking?. This is the way I talk,I don't know how to form not to talk of forming voice. And y would I want to deceive those jobless male audience I am happily married(I showed him the ring on my finger). And if u HV a problem with the way I talk then please I beg of you carry  your two left legs and get out of my sight. I HV a rehearsal to get back to". "Not every married couple are happy. You might be your husband's punching bag who knows. Pretentious liar",he scoff. Okay that does it,I was about to put this guy in his place before I heard one of the crew say," We will go live in one minute". You are so lucky I am rehearsing if not,I will tell u my mind.

        "Good morning. I am your host Kamsi Light and this is channel's news at 10, headline......(Greg cuts me short)" "cut" that idiot says. Okay, serious why does this guy HV to piss me off. This is my last rehearsal before we go live. "Serious, use your real voice for crying out loud. Must u be fake" he ends. "Seriously, we are right back where we ended", I say out loud. Okay i swear,I didn't mean to say that out loud." If u don't use your real voice, Angela will take your place",Greg says.

       Seriously out of everyone to replace me it's Angela. He knows Angela is obsessed about him,he knows I am better than her but he chose her to provoke and piss me off. "This is my real voice and u know it.", I yell. Everyone begins to stare at both of us(I and that asshole). " Don't raise your voice at me. You know wat go home and come back when u are in your right frame of mind cos right now u look like something a dog threw up on(everyone begins to laugh he turns to Angela and continues)you replace her" ,he says. I look around and find everyone laughing and whispering and I feel so embarrassed so I take my hand bag and walk out.

Andre's P.O.V
       The door opens and my wife enters looking so depressed. I walk up to her."What's wrong with you??. Wait,why are you crying?? Did anything happen at your work place?',I ask sounding worried. Who wouldn't??. "The superior, our new temporary boss humiliated me today", she says sobbing. It breaks my heart to see her this way. " What's his name? And how did he embarrass u?",I ask trying to hide my anger. "He told me to go home,he called me a pretentious liar. His name is Greg Kingsley, his father is", I cut her short by saying" The head of defense and he is filthily rich. Greg has a company of his own. He is an arrogant son of a bitch". She looks at me in shock. "How do u know him?", she ask." We has history. I will take care of him,don't worry.",I answer her and took her to our room.

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