Chapter 6: Finding himself

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Ichigo couldn't believe his eyes. He couldn't comprehend, or even try to comprehend, everything that happened. He looked at Kusaka and shook his head. "No.. no.. What.. was that Toshiro?"

"Are you okay?" Kusaka asked.

"What did you do?" Ichigo muttered.

"I revealed his true form; a secret he has kept away from you for a long time." Kusaka explained. "But you... you can help him. You can change him back and break his curse."A wide smirk spread across his face. "But could you do it? Can you actually handle the curse that you don't understand? Or will you fai-"


Both men looked at Momo, drenched to the bone, with a death glare sent toward Kusaka. "You're done here. et outta my sight!" she yelled.

Kusaka gave her a stoned look then glared at Ichigo. He snapped and disappeared, leaving Momo alone with Ichigo. She looked at Ichigo and looked down.


The rain continued it's desperate downpour. Ichigo gave Momo a blank stare. She looked away and fell to her knees, bowing in front of him repeatedly.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry! I knew it all along! I wanted to tell, but I couldn't!" she sobbed. "Please... Save him Ichigo... Save Toshiro... He doesn't deserve all of this..." When Momo looked up, Ichigo was half way down the street. He wasn't going the same direction as Toshiro went. Momo choked and fell flat on her face. "Please Ichigo... please save him..."


Orihime was walking down the rows of graves stones and stopped at her brothers grave. She sighed. "My brother, please give me the strength and guidance I need to see through this tough time. I want to do my best to help my friends come through." Orihime put her hands together. "Thank you..."

She looked up and frowned, seeing a head of orange hair. She knew exactly who it was and who's grave it was as well. She rushed up to him and dropped her umbrella on the wet ground, getting wet as well. "Ichigo! Ichigo!" she called holding him near her chest.

Ichigo stayed silent coughing. He leaned out of Orihime's grasp and threw up on the ground. Orihime wiped Ichigo's mouth after he was done and hit his cheek softly a few times.

"Ichigo, pull yourself together! Get up! Get up now! Toshiro...Toshiro needs you!" she yelled. "You're the only one who can acept him!"

Ichigo stared at Orihime. "Why?"

"Because you love him! You know you can accept him, you know it in your heart! Please! Please, he needs you right now!" Orihime said.

Ichigo stood up and trudged along the rows of graves. He fell and stayed there for a few seconds before getting up and walking again. "Toshiro... wait for me..."

Masked by the rain, Orihime's tears fell onto the ground along with her. She sniffed. "You love him and he needs you Ichigo..."

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