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This is the first story I wrote. So please don't judge too harshly. I don't like to have long chapters to that is why many are only one page. Also I think it is faster to read with all the cliff hangers and the shortness. And yes this is the end of the book. I left it on a cliff hanger ending.

As far as a sequel, I don't know if I'm going to write one yet or not. If I do then that next book will certainly be written in first person.

This was a trial of third person and I myself am not entirely happy with the way that it turned out. But that's how writing books go I guess.

If you have any questions, comments, or anything else about any of my books, go ahead and send them to me. I like constructive criticism, and if you have any that will help my writing improve than I could use the suggestions.

If anyone wants me to write a book about a certain topic, besides fan fiction, then ask away.

Thank you all for reading my book.

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