Chapter 11

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The day had gotten darker once the rain had started to fall. Leaves danced across the street as if trying to race one another to get out of the rain to safety. The front windshield was covered in the big, fat droplets of water that continued to fall. Previews of condensation started to inch its was up from the corner of the windows. The back and side windows already had fogged over.

Inside the car Victoria sat in the driver's seat and watched the rain run down her side window. She could feel Dallas' eyes on her, waiting for her to reply, but she didn't know what to say to him. She wasn't ready for a relationship yet. But could she tell him that? How would he take that? She didn't want to hurt his feelings. So in silence they sat.

The rain started to pick up harder, and she felt the car shake with the force of the wind. Lighting flashed across the sky, lighting up the street and making Dallas' eyes shine. Thunder cracked across the sky a moment later, the vibrations ripping through her to the core. She shook slightly, getting cold and scared at watching the sky let loose.

She turned and flicked on the heater to medium, then faced Dallas. Sighing she looked him in the eye as he still patently waited for her reply to his question. It still seemed to ring out in the silence of her mind. Will you go out with me? She knew what her answer had to be.


But before she could say anymore, his hand slid up to cup her cheek. His hand was warm and inviting, unlike the weather outside. Before she could react further, his lips were on hers. The soft lips that she had wanted to kiss for weeks were on her lips doing that exact thing. The kiss was soft at first, like he was trying to see how she would react. But the moment she started to kiss him back, he turned his head and deepened the kiss. Somehow she had ended up in his lap, and was gripping his hair by the fist full.

After about twenty minutes over very heated kissing, with lots of tongue, they finally pulled away from each other. Victoria stayed in his warm, comforting lap, and leaned her back against his chest. He had wrapped his arms around her torso, and they sat like that for awhile watching as the rain slowed down.

The silence and relaxing moment was broken by the sound of Dallas' ringtone. Victoria groaned in protest, and told him not to answer it, to which he swiftly replied that it could be his mom and he needed to look. So reluctantly she moved off his lap slightly so that he could fish around in the pockets of his jeans to locate the phone. After a few seconds he was able to pull it free of the tight fabric that molded itself to his thighs. She looked away as he punched in the code to unlock his phone, she didn't want him to think that she was nosy.

The rain outside had died down to where it was just a slight drizzle. Although it was still dark, visibility was much clearer. Dallas's voice rang out through the car as he talked to whoever was on the phone. His voice started to rise in anger which made Victoria even more curious as to who was on the phone.

"Well I don't care. You can't tell me what to do! How do you even know where I am? How about you answer that one for me?" There was a pause as the other person replied. "OH REALLY? WOW. Didn't know you owned her. And yes as a matter of fact I do know that." Another pause. "Well good for you Chad. You must have fucked up somewhere or else she wouldn't be with me right now, now would she? Yeah, I know all about the situation!"

Did he just say Chad? Fear shot through her. Chad knows where I am? How does he know that? What hasn't Dallas told me? What hasn't Chad told me? What really happened between the two?

An angry sigh broke her from her thoughts. She looked over at Dallas who was staring out the window in anger. She looked at his phone that was still lit up. She saw his background, which relieved that he wasn't on the phone with Chad any longer.

He turned to her at that time, as if sensing that she was looking at him. She looked into his eyes and saw anger, sadness, and something else. Before she could figure it out he spoke, his voice held anger that she never though that he could have inside him. At that moment he looked like he could kill someone, and with the look on his face, she was starting to think that he would.

"Your Ex-boyfriend has been stalking you." His voice rang out in the silence, disturbing it from its peaceful state.

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