Chapter 15 Chad's POV

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****Chad's POV****

He watched on the hard cold concrete as the two, Dallas and Victoria, walked back towards her car. He still had a hold of his throbbing cheek, which Victoria had caused. She called him a stalker, he preferred the term; watching from a distance. What else was he supposed to do? She didn't know Dallas like he did. He had to keep an eye on her, and not just for the baby. Maybe he still did have feelings for her. What is wrong with that? Maybe he does regret the way he treated her before he broke it off and during their relationship. People make mistakes.

He was scared. Anyone else would be too if their girlfriend told them she was pregnant. He regretted the way he avoided her like the plague after she had told him. He knew at the time that it was wrong, but what else was a teenage boy supposed to do especially when he knew that his parents would not approve either.

But the fact that Dallas could be in his baby's life more than he, himself, made him angry to the point of no return. Maybe that could be the cause of the 'stalking'. He didn't want to stomach the thought of Dallas of all people being his child's father figure rather than him.

Chad lifted himself off the hard, slightly damp ground and made his was to his car. Once inside he cranked up the heater and waited till he could feel his fingers again before he turned the key and had the engine roar to life underneath him. Instead of putting the car in drive and continuing on his way, he looked out the window and watches as the leaves did a tango with each other across the road. After a moment he realized that this was the street that Victoria lived on, in fact that was her house there, only five houses down from the one he was parked in front of. Then why did she go the other way?

He had a mental debate with himself is he should go and visit her mother or not. After a few minutes he decided against it, knowing her mother most likely knew that he had walked out on her daughter. Then again the woman was kicking out her own daughter once she has the baby. He knew that he did not want to go down that road, nor did he want to have that conversation with his Ex's mother. Her older brother would probably be there too, and Chad so didn't want to get in a fight with that guy.

 He started up his car and turned the wheel to exit the street and head towards his house. He still wondered where the two new love birds had gone, but decided not to put too much thought into it because he ,most likely, wouldn't like the answer he came up with. By this time the rain had stopped and the clock on the dash read 8:25. His mother would probably give him an ear full when he got home for not telling her why he was out so late, yet again, without telling her.

He hated that about his mother, the one and only thing that he could not stand about her. She was always in his business, and she continued to be even though she knew it annoyed and bothered him. The crazy woman would go into his room while he was at school and snoop around his room looking for any trace of 'substances'. She even went as far to make his take a drug test because she thought he was on something; even though he told her, he only looked tired because he was! She would take his phone if he left it sitting somewhere, and would go through his text messages trying to find out 'more about' him.

He shook his head at the memories and turned down 10th street; his street. He knew better than to beat around the bush with either of his parents about what happened to his face. He would just have to tell them that he was out with friends, and offended someone by accident then they had slapped him. He knew that his parents would not believe the story, but that was their problem. He had never given them a reason to doubt him, yet they never believed him.

He parked on the street just past his driveway, so he didn't block in either of his parents if they happened to get in a fight again. Chad knew that would happen, it does every night. After his mom had clipped his car because it was in the way of her speedy getaway, he knew better than to park his car in her way again. He hated how much they fight, and it was usually over stupid things; like one of them had forgotten to turn off the bathroom light. He knew they fought because of the financial problem mixed with the heavy drinking, but it didn't make the house any easier to be in.

As soon as he got out of the car he could hear the screaming. He shook his head and kept it down as he opened the front door as slow as possible. Maybe if I keep my head down then they won't notice I'm home and they wont talk to me. Just go straight to your room and don't say anything. Chad walked past the kitchen as the yelling voices got exceptionally louder.

Chad tried his best to walk past the kitchen and get to the stairs and to safety of his room, but the universe had other ideas.

"Chad! Get your ass in this room right now young man. You know you have a 9:00 curfew on school nights. It is currently 9:10. Ten minutes mister!"

Heaving a sigh and grimace Chad stepped into the room. His mother and father stood around the table obviously. A opened half gone bottle of scotch lay between the two. His father took the time, while his mother was distracted with him, to knock back the drink in his hand and pour another glass. Chad hung his head not wanting to watch as his father decided to slowly kill himself with the poison of the beverage.

"Where in the hell have you been?" Chad watched an ant crawl across the floor as his mother's voice rang out across the space. "And what the hell is that on your face?"

Chad flinched with the amount of anger in her voice, and fed her the lie that he had concocted. She didn't believe him but after a few minutes of an intense stare down she let him go. The only reason he had gotten off so easily was because she had notice his father knocking back another drink. She had quickly turned to him and began to scream at him about how he was waisting money on his 'addiction.'

Chad took this time and bolted from the room, up the stairs, and to his personal space. Once there he flung himself down and cried. He doesn't allow himself to cry very often but the stress of everything was starting to get to him. The fact that he had lost the first, and only girl that he had ever loved, especially to a guy like him. The fact that his parent were like this, and it was never peaceful in his own home. The fact that he couldn't call this place home. The fact that now he had a baby to support, one that he may or may not see at all.

That night Chad fell asleep with tears soaking his pillow, face, and sheets.

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