Chapter 2

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Victoria smiled to herself as her two best friends, Emmie and Amber, came into view. The two seemed in a heated discussion with someone else, who was out of view. Victoria made a beeline for the both of them, receiving stares from the boys in the freshman grade. Stupid Freshman she thought to herself as she passed.  Ignoring them further she continued through the commons towards the back, where her and the rest of the junior class had declared their spot in the room.

By the time she was three-fourths of the way to her best friends, they noticed her. Squealing the trio met in the middle with hugs and "OHMIGOD"s. They laughed as the whole room's attention seemed to be on the three. Emmie turned to the crowd and shouted "Y'all take a picture, it'll last longer!" The other two laughed and the room carried on with their own business once again. Most of the people knew not to cross Emmie.

Emmie was the type of girl that you wouldn't ever do anything mean or harsh to. She was the person that would stand up for anyone. She would say what ever comes to mind, not caring if it hurt anyone's feelings. If it needed to be said, she'll say it. Her brown eyes and natural blond hair seemed to only increase her intimidating-ness. That fire in her eyes was one of the reasons most people didn't really talk to her; they were scared at what might come from her mouth.

Amber was the opposite of Emmie. She was the quiet one, well until you got to know her. She was the bookworm that was silent in the back of class, almost till the point you forget she's even in the room. The only words that came from her, while in a class setting, were to answer a question or correct an answer. Usually this bothered the other students, but it was awesome to help with studying. Her brown hair and green eyes matched her personality, nothing exciting on the surface, but a fire underneath.

The girls turned back to each other and played catch up, even though they had just seen each other two weeks ago when Victoria told them her 'big' news. She remembered the conversation like it was yesterday:


"Your PREGNANT?!" Emmie yelled.

"SHHHHH! Jesus! The whole fucking world doesn't need to know Emmie!" Victoria snapped. "I just found out too. Apparently I'm already six weeks along. I had no idea."

"How did Chad take it?" Amber asked as she sipped her diet drink.

Victoria involuntarily shuddered. She remained silent and examined her perfectly manicured nails that had been done a few moments before. She couldn't speak the words. She couldn't tell them that he had left her the moment she told him.  It was shame full to know that it had happened to her.

Emmie gasped. "He left you?! That Asshole! We should go kick his ass!" Victoria and Lauren shook their heads in unison.

"Its not worth it Emmie." Amber said. She turned to Victoria and asked "How did your mom take it?"

Victoria played with an empty straw wrapper that was on the table as she spoke. "She wants me to put the baby up for adoption. I don't want to do that but I'm not of age. I don't know what to do guys."

"One things for sure" Emmie said.

"Yeah, you will always have us." Amber finished for Emmie. The girls stood up and hugged. Victoria wanted to cry, but wouldn't let herself in a public place like the mall food court.


The trio talked nonstop for the ten minutes remaining before school actually started. They talked about how the other two girls when to a pool party, and Victoria talked bout her extra hours at work. She could tell the other girls wanted to talk about her baby, but knew that it was better not to at school. Keep the situation on the down low.

The ten minute bell rang out. Most students gathered their things and headed towards their lockers. But Victoria remained rooted to her spot. Her friends followed her gaze and saw exactly what she was looking at.

There at the entrance of the school stood Chad, her Ex-boyfriend and the father of her baby.

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