Chapter 1

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Victoria looked at her reflection in the mirror, and her bright blue eyes stared back at her. Her dyed blond locks and pale skin shined in the early morning lighting of the bathroom. Her round face, yet defined cheekbones, made a statement on her face. No wonder guys found her attractive.

She leaned away from the counter and examined her plump stomach. Damn, she was starting to show. She cursed herself for ever getting involved with that horrible boy. Shaking her head she silently told herself that she should have known better. Everyone had known the rumors, but to her they were just that; rumors. How was she supposed to know they were true?! She had no reason or evidence to believe that they were true.

She snorted to herself and rubbed her two month pregnant belly. As soon as she told her ex-boyfriend she was pregnant, the loser split. She had only been with him for a few months before he sweet talked his way into her pants. Now she was alone with a baby growing inside her, and her mom was not supportive! insisting that Victoria putting the baby up for adoption. What was she going to do now? She couldn't do that to her baby. What if he/she got put in a bad foster home? What if... what if... what if?!

She sighed and leaned over the counter to finish applying her eyeliner, then moved on to her mascara. Junior year of school started up today, and hardly anyone knew she was knocked up, hopefully. She laughed bitterly to herself knowing that the bitches would mock her and others would laugh at her saying "Told you so". She knew the names would start soon, amongst other bullying. She knew not to be worried. She, as well as others, knew that she could take care of herself, and if anyone crossed her they would get it back ten times worse.

She stepped back and looked at herself in the mirror. She wore her favorite pair of black leggings and a nice place blue shirt that made her eyes pop. On her feet were her favorite pair of Supra Vaders. She smiled to herself Damn I look good! Thank goodness her belly wasn't showing too much yet. Maybe the first day at school wouldn't be so bad. Maybe the rumor that she was pregnant hadn't gotten around. The only way it would have, is if he told people.

She forced herself to not think about the day ahead. She knew what was to come, the rumors, the whispering, the stares, the comments; all of which would be rude and crude. If she let it get to her now, there would be no making it through the day. She had to put on the tough girl act, knowing that if she looked like she didn't care than maybe other people wouldn't be so hard on her. Maybe.

She grabbed her purse and walked out the door and got into her midnight blue H4 Hummer. She had a twinkle in her eye as she turned the key and the engine roared to life. Her stereo started to blare, bass pounding loudly vibrating the whole car; and once she got on the road, other cars would vibrate also. She backed out of her driveway and headed to school, all the while wondering and stressing about how the first day would go. The music flowed into her and calmed her slightly as she winded down the streets.

Her stomach became knotted as the school came closer in her view. She wanted nothing more than to return home, lay on the couch with her older brother, Ricky, and watch Law & Order SVU all day. But she also knew that she had to go to school, and get an education for the baby that was growing inside her. She wanted to give him a life, to be somebody that her child would look up to. She also knew that she could not think about what the day might hold in terms of anything but good things. She knew that once the ideas start flowing they might now stop, and the last thing she needed was a panic attack.

She lowered the volume to a gentle hum as the school parking lot came into a closer view. Pulling into a space and parking she sucked in a big breath, and mentally prepared herself for the day that was to come. She sat there at for a moment in her parking space, till she had gathered the strength to get out, and approach the door to enter the school. Seeing all the other kids inside made her stomach do another flip. She breathed another breath, and pulled open the door, greeted with the sound of hundreds of kids on the inside, and officially started the long school day.

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