Chapter 9

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Victoria walked out into the bright sunshine, yet somehow cold, fall air. A month of school had already flown by, and she was now three months pregnant.

Her mind was still on what her Ex boyfriend had just got done saying to her. Did he mean it? Was it real? She wanted to believe that it was real, but she knew deep down that he didn't mean a word he said. He just wants to be nosy, She told herself as she pushed the button on her keys to unlock her car. She had parked next to the white Range Rover again. She wondered who it belonged to, but quickly dismissed the thought as she slid in behind the wheel and started her car.

She sat there for a moment, not really knowing why. She replayed the day in her mind as music played softly in the background. Drumming her fingers on the wheel she watched out the front window of her car and saw someon approach that looked like Dallas. She was about to wave him over, but saw that he had a pair of keys in his hand. I thought he didn't have a car yet, she thought.

She watched quietly as he walked up to the car next to her and unlock it. She slid down in her seat so he wouldn't see that she was in her car. Dallas shoved the key in the hole and turned it, causing the car to start up. She witnessed him sit in the car for a minute, fiddling around with something that was out of view. Then her phone chimed, but she ignored it. How dare he! He lied to me! She thought as she watched him put the car in gear and slowly pull out of the parking lot.

It was then that he turned to look to his right side, and thats when he noticed her. A look of shock and something else flashed across his features as he stopped the car. She turned away. Their friendship had been built on a lie. She didn't want to see him or talk to him. Thankfully the space in front of her car opened up. Quickly Victoria shifted the car into drive and took off. She had to stop the tears that were threatening to fall.

Had I really been considering telling him about my baby? Was Chad right? Was Dallas bad news?  Thoughts clogged her mind as she tried to see around the tears filling her vision. Why... why... why?

She pulled out of the parking lot and started to head home as she continued to try and stop the tears that were now flowing down her cheeks. She wanted to know why he had lied to her, but at the same time she never wanted to speak to him again.

She turned onto her street, but pulled over a few houses away from her's. Mother can not see this! Hurt, pain, stress, and lonlyness filled her emotions, and soon she was crying for everything that had happened to her in the last twenty-four hours. She had never felt so alone, and just needed someone she could trust to cry on their shoulder.

A sudden knock on her window rang through the silent car. She tried to wipe her eyes so she could see, hoping she didnt smear her make-up too much. She looked up once she had gained enough vision back, and saw none other than Dallas standing outside looking cold and sad. Reluctantly she unlocked her doors and didn't say a word, just turned away and stared at the floorboard. The passenger car door opened, and someone got in closing it quickly behind them. The two sat in slience for a minute.

"I'm sorry." Dallas said as the silence got uncomfortable. "I should have told you that I did have a car. I shouldn't have lied and told you otherwise. I just didn't want you to drive, considering your current emotional state at the time."

Once again the car went silent. Victoria didn't say a word, just let the tears roll down her cheeks. What could she say? Should she even believe him? How would she know if he lied again?

"Please say something." Dallas's voice was full of hurt. Good she thought. He deserved this for lying to her. It was one of her biggest pet peves. "Look I know I screwed up, okay? I just couldn't let you go home like that. I didn't want you to get in a wreck or something. But that doesn't excuse the fact that I did lie to you, and I am truly sorry for my mistake."

She shook her head as more tears fell. She didn't know what to say, maybe it was just the hormones that were making her react this way. "I...I don't know what to say to you." She spoke the truth. What do you say to a guy that had just lied to you and continued to do so for a month?

Out of the corner of her eye she saw him nod. "I deserve this. I guess I'll just leave you to your thoughts then." He moved to get out of the car once again. Before she knew what she was doing, she put her hand on his arm to stop him.

"Dallas, before you go I need to tell you something. Something big." He turned to her hearing the seriousness in her voice. She sucked in a deep breath of the cold air and mentally prepaired herself.

"Dallas, I am three months pregnant."

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