Chapter 20

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That night Victoria found herself falling asleep in Chad's arms, and she felt comfortable. Never when they were dating did she dare to stay in his arms longer than he found necessary. They usually put on the perfect couple act while in public, but when those rare occasions when the two were alone, no physical contact usually happened. Of course this was when Victoria finally saw Chad for who he really was. But now, after seeing his behavior for the past few days, she was starting to rethink her opinion of him.

When she woke in the morning, she was still wrapped in Chad's arms. One arm was behind her back, the other was around her waist in a protective manner, holding her close. She listened to his soft snores fill the silence of the room. Looking around, she was still in the hospital room, and no one else was in the room except her and Chad.

This made her wonder where Dallas was. He had been gone since she woke up yesterday after her little blackout moment. She hadn't heard from him since, no texts or calls, nothing. This did worry her, they were dating right? He was her boyfriend right? Then why was Chad here instead of him?

She looked up at Chad's sleeping face at that moment. He looked so peaceful in his slumber, cute even. Another question ran through her mind: Do feelings for him still exist? But before she could determine the answer Chad's peaceful face broke.

His eyes opened and he looked around with confusion, then the blue orbs landed on hers. "Hey" he whispered in a husky, sleepy voice. It had been a long time since she had heard that voice, yet it had never made her breath catch before.

"Hi" she whispered back. He made no movement to pull away and this surprised her. Usually he didn't want to touch her in any matter. So what was different now? Did he have feelings for her still?

"How long have you been awake?" He questioned quietly breaking her thoughts. She looked into his eyes to see if there was any hidden meaning behind his words. She knew how he worked, saying one thing but actually meaning something else.

"A few minutes." She said once she finally determined he was just asking a simple question.

"Oh" The two sat in slience for a moment. Chad's grip on her waist seemed to tighten slightly, and he settled down closer to her. Victoria took a chance and layed her head on his shoulder. She waited for the harst words and expectance for him to push her off, but it didn't come.

"This is nice." He said. "Why didn't we do this more often?" She decided to remain silent. Why give the question an answer when they both knew it? Why voice it?

They layed like that for some time. At one point Chad had turned on the TV to something they both would watch, Teenage Mutain Ninja Turtles. It was strange that he acually thought of someone besides his self for once. maybe he had changed.

With this new thought she moved closer to him. She felt his warmth through the blankets, and he smelled nice. That was one of the things that attracted her to him in the first place. They continued to watch the animated cartoon, giggling every now and then. She liked this, the fact that they could be likt this with one another without it being weird or turning into anything else. She needed someone like this. At one point she thought Dallas would be this person, the one she could cuddle up with and talk to about anything, but now....

She had started to drift again. It was only eight in the morning according to the clock on the wall, and she was still tired. Her body had been under a lot of stress lately, with the miscarrage, and so had her mind, with the emotional rollarcoasters.

But just as she had started to doze, the door to her room opened. She didn't move, but she felt Chad stiffen.

Then the voice came.


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