Chapter 3

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Chad stood with a group of his asshole friends, like you would usually find him. Victoria found her eyes widening. How dare he show up to this school again! Her friends each tugged on her arms to get her to walk the other direction before Chad could see her. But they were too late, Chad had noticed her. Then all things went to hell.

She saw the sneer on Chad's face, even before he even said a word. She sighed, might as well get this over with now rather than later. She had to face him some time. "Hey Victoria. How are you?" Chad's voice gave away that he really didn't care how she was. The smile on his face was challenging, one she knew all too well.

"A hell of a lot better since I dumped your ass" Victoria flashed him a sweet, fake smile. She knew that he would make this situation the worst he could. She felt the fire build inside her, it was time to stand up to him once and for all.

"Sweetheart we both know; I dumped your knocked up ass. By the way how is my baby? I know you still have it because your too much of a baby to get an abortion." He sneered at her while his friends hooted and laughed. He reached his hand out as if to touch her belly, but she forsaw the movement and moved out of reach. Like hell she would let him touch her.

He knew that he was making her blood boil, and damn it she was letting him. Again she flashed him her winning bitch smile. "Haha. Oh you poor soul. I'm not pregnant. I lied. Your dumb ass fell for it too." She and her friends let out a laugh. "I wanted to see if what they said about you was true. And what do you know. They are." She spat out the words with as much anger and hate as she could muster.

She turned on her heel and started to walk away when she heard him call out to her. "What exactly would you be talking about with 'they are real'?"

"The rumors." She simply stated as she turned back to look at him. She stood about ten feet away from him. Only now did she notice that they had a small audience. Twenty or so students stood around just within earshot, just wanting to watch the drama unfold. She knew that everyone knew that the two of them weren't together anymore, most probably knew that she was pregnant.

"What rumors?" Chad seemed completely entranced in what she was saying, just how it should be. The bastard will pay for how he treated her.

"The rumors..." She looked him straight in the eye. "...that you are an asshole and nothing more. That you treat women like shit, just because you can. That you have sex with them, then throw them away like garbage." With that she turned and walked away, her friends right behind her. She heard the gasps and whispers following after her but she didn't care. Her mind was on her baby, and getting the hell away from Chad Richards.

As she spun the combination on the lock of her locker she thought about what she had said about the being inside her. She had denied that she was going to be a mother. Was she a bad person for that? Did Chad believe her when she said she wasn't pregnant?

She lifted some books from her locker and balanced them in one arm and checked her phone with the other. She was unaware that her every move was being watched by Chad. She didn't know that he did feel bad for what he had said and done. She didn't know that he planned to take it all back, he just didn't know how. And that he knew she was pregnant, with his baby.

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