Chapter 12

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Anger and shock flowed through her veins like hot lava. How could he do that? What gives him the right? Who does he think he is?! She could feel herself trembling from the anger. She wanted to scream and punch at anything and everything that stood in her way. Chad wasn't even a part of her life anymore, yet he though he could stalk her?! That was beyond insane.

Dallas tried to calm her down and comfort her, which just added on to the anger. The things she wanted to Chad right now. She shoved herself off of Dallas's lap, and pushed open the heavy passenger door. She stumbled out into the rain that had picked up again. Fat drops smacked against her face as she started to run. She didn't know where she was going, but she was glad for once that her Nike's were on her feet. She heard Dallas chasing her, calling out for her to stop, but she didn't care. She wanted to run, and that was what she was going to do.

She ran from everything that had happened in the past two months. She ran from her pregnancy, from her mom threatening to kick her out, from her Ex leaving her and now stalking her. She hadn't realized that she was crying until she couldn't see any longer. Tears blocked her vision and ran down her cheeks, mixing with the rain that was already sprayed across her face. Her knees buckled and she slid down on the sidewalk.

Sitting down on the cold wet concrete, Victoria cried her eyes out. Her shoulders shook with the force of the emotions coming out of her. She was beyond the point of stopping herself, she didn't really want to either. She needed this. She needed to cry and let it all out. The pain hurt too much to keep it in any longer.

She felt someone grab her shoulders and hold her close. Her fists closed around some fabric tightly, and she cried harder into the warmth of the body that was holding her. A voice sounded behind her, saying something she couldn't hear, while another voice shhhed her close to her ear. She knew there was more than one person, but at this point she didn't care, she just needed to cry. She tried to block out the two voices that were now arguing. Will all this stress and pain affect her baby? She cried harder thinking that something might happen to her baby and that it could be her fault. What if... what if.... what if....

The voices behind her grew in volume and anger as the seconds ticked away. She knew the one holding her was Dallas, and the other sounded familiar, but she couldn't quite tell who it belonged to. She sighed and wiped at her eyes to regain her vision. The voices continued to grow louder, and she could tell they were starting to forget that she was even there.

She leaned away from Dallas, continuing to wipe her eyes and no doubt smearing her make-up. She felt his presence, even though she knew his attention wasn't on her, it was on the other male's voice. The anger and frustration in both voices seemed to be reaching a new and dangerous high. She needed to break it up, again she had to suck it up and deal with other people's problems.

She huffed another sigh and looked to Dallas, who's attention was on the person behind them both. His hands were balled up into fists, and he seemed ready to throw some punches around. She laid a hand on his and waited till he turned around to catch her eye. A look of sadness and sham overcame his features. But she wasn't focused on him particularly, it was on finding out who was behind him and who made him so angry.

She turned and came face to face with her Ex, Chad.

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