Black Cherries

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I should I have told her.

I made a mistake.

I was stupid to be cold.

Its was best to leave him alone.

The pain was bitter,

I still feel like I made a mistake.

When I opened the letter.

Maybe I shouldn't have sent it.

My heart shattered into pieces, though I didn't show it.

It must have been awkward when I sent it, but I knew he didn't feel anything.

It was a wedding invitation: 

I mean, I was happy that I gave up on him and that I moved on to someone that loves me.

I wished I told her, I wish, I wish, I wish-

Well, the deed is done, no need to ponder on it, Sakura

I can't even do anything about it. I know she loves him. I still wish she would call me with that sparkled in her eyes, but now, now its for him.

It would be nice to have all of Team 7 attend our big day. It's weird to have Sasuke-kun come, because I had loved him. It was a silly crush, so I doubt it'll matter.

I love her. I love Sakura Haruno. I'll go to her wedding, keep up my facade, but inside, inside I will be crying. The pain feels so bitter.

I wonder what Sasuke-kun feels like. Is he happy with my choice?

I would never approve of her decision. But how can I tell her that? I can't. I won't tell anyone that I want to be the one to marry her. That I love her. She already loves him but I won't marry anyone else.

Oh, what am I thinking? Of course he would, I mean, I know Gaara loves me and I love him, isn't that enough...?

The pain. Sakura means cherry blossom. I'm in the dark right now. It's black inside.

Why do I keep thinking if Sasuke-kun approves?

I know how I feel. Cherry, for Sakura's name. Black for what I'm feeling. Since when did I become so poetic? Is it unavoidable when one's heart has broken?

Never mind about Sasuke-kun, I should hurry to the inn Gaara and I are staying at. Should I make a hot pot tonight?

I feel like... Black Cherries. I'm sorry Sakura, that I never told you. I love you Sakura. I love you.

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