He's Gunna Get Bloody Fuckin' Kicked Out!!!

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  • Dedicated to My Chemical Romance because It is International MCR Day!! Long Live My Chemical

Hey, it's Gerard here. I'm at my Gram's again! She's eating Subway at the moment x3 She got me one for lunch. You guys probably don't give a fuck about lunch, but You also have no idea how much fun it is writing this story with Ember. It's the funnest shit ever. Like I giggle everytime I see Bob Hagrid on a page, or Bert Snape. It's amusing to the core. Anyway, I really love writing wtih her, if anything, she's my best online friend that I've got. Happy My Chemical Romance Day everyone, hope you had a joyous day, becuase I sure fucking did. Who wakes up at 6:00a.m. just to scream about MCR? Me. <3  http://youtu.be/y_rkOvWXuhY  watch that video, it is a fan video made by someone on Twitter. And the featured my picture in there. it says "Thankyou MCR<3 -W. Check uit out mates.   -Gerard


"Potter!" Professor McGonagall shouted walking into the area. I turned and looked, she looked furious, or soemthing. Well...all the wrinkles in her face always made her look furious, but she was an overall nice lady after all. But her cheeks were even turning pink, but I think that was from running so much. I betcha she ran down the corridors.

"Uh, yes?" Frank asked looking at her with a somewhat scared expression.

"Where is Madame Hooch?" McGonagal asked crossing her arms tightly around her green clothed chest. I stared at Frank with wide eyes and Ray came up.

"She's with Mikey in the Infirmary. Mikey fell and broke his arm we think. Then Quinn took his inhaler that Mikey had dropped when he fell. And...then Quinn threatened to throw it up onto the roof of the castle. So Frank challenged to get it because Quinn is a dirty bastard. So then he threw it, and Frank went after it. Faster than anything Itell you, Professor. But he got it back, surely it would have broken if it had fallen." Ray explained smoothly. I looked at him and smiled at him, Frank did the same.

"I'm not mad at you Mr. Potter. I'm quite impressed to be honest. I've never seen a 1st Year be able to catch something that fast. I'd like you to come by my room tomorrow by noon, I've got some important business to discuss with you." Professor McGonagal said smiling, she patted Frank's shoulder as he slightly nodded and she walked away. I looked at Frank and smiled.

"She's gunna kick me out." Frank muttered. I looked at him and smacked the back of his head. "She is, she's gunna tell Madame Hooch, and then I'm gunna get called to Professor Dumbledore's and he's gunna expel me." Frank said louder. Quinn, Jepha, and Dan were laughing like children who saw a animal fall and thought it was the cutest thing ever.

I grabbed both Ray and Frank's arms and tugged them inside the school. "We're not gunna finish this class, I want to go check on Mikey." I announced, they all nodded. I found myself pulling them along and then tugging them up close to me and wrapping my arms around their shoulders, even though Ray was taller than me and Frank was shorter, it just kind of felt nice. They both wrapped their arms around my back so we were kind of linked together.

Finally we made it to the Infirmary and we got to see Mikey for a little bit until the nurse was like 'Hey you rotten kids, get your bloody asses out of here and get to bed. The boy needs rest.' So then after that we managed to say So long and Goodnight to Mikey and then we walked up to the Gryffidor Commons. Fred and George looked at us and smiled big.

"Oi, Frank. We heard that heroic thing you did today durring your lessons. Saved a boy's inhaler, eh?" Fred asked grinning. Frank turned pink, damn he was cute. Gerard... I said stop it. Okay?

"Uh, yeah." Frank said awkwardly.

"Good job mate." Fred and George said together. They nodded at them and all three of them collapsed on one couch, me being smooshed between the two of them. Frank had somewhat leaned more onto me kind of cuddled against my sides and Ray was flopping his head back over the armrest stretching his legs.

"Ya know, I bet McGonagal is gunna tell Hooch and then Dumbledore. You may be in the shit tomorrow, Frank." Fred said narrowign his eyes.

"Leave him alone guys, he'll be fine." I said snapping at them. The twins both raised their eyebrows and their eyes widened.

"Just sayin, we just wanna scare the little guy." George said laughing.

"I'm not little." Frank mumbled, I looked at him and smirked, he was kind of short. But then again, he could just be fun sized and adorable as hell. I bit my lip when I thought about that, HE WASN"T ADORABLE GERARD!!

A little while after that, everyone head up to the beds and collapsed in their own. I looked at Frank as he settled down into his bed and slipped his thick rimmed glasses off his face and take them to put them on the nightstand beside his bed. He then snuggled under the covers and kind of wrapped it around his head so only his face showed. LIke a little nest or some shit. I looked at him for a bit. Okay, Gerard. Just fucking admit it, you think he's cute. He's adorable, funny, and cute. Don't fucking deny it, dammnit! I thought, I looked at him for a moment and sighed. I rolled over and curled up. I fell asleep after that, I dreamt of nothing that night either.


Mornings suck, especailly when suddenly Frank is missing or being called to Dumbledore's office. And that's just what happened, I woke up to someone knocking on the dorm door and then him being tugged out of the room. I sat up instantly and so did Ray. Frank looked ove rhis shoulder and waved goodbye and disappeared through the door. The rest of the beds in the room were empty, except for me and Ray. I looked at Ray and stared long and hard at him.

"he's gunna be fine, Red." Ray said. I got up and I kicked the covers off of me and bounced to the floor. Ray watched me, I turned and faced him, my jaw dropping. I was upset, my best firend was being taken away and probably expelled from Hogwarts, on his first fucking year.

"OH MY SWEET MOTHER OF MEESE RAY!!!!! HOW CAN YOU BE SO CALM ABOUT THIS?!" I shouted, Ray quickly got out of bed adn tackled me before I decided that I needed to run around the room in a rampage.

"Gerard! Calm the bloody hell down!" Ray shouted.

"CALM DOWN? CALM DOWN MATE?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! THE MEESEING LOVE OF MY LIFE IS BEING EXPELLED FROM HOGWARTS ON HIS FIRST BLOODY YEAR??? HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO BE CALM?!" I screamed. Ray managed to tie me to the furnace vent, which was off because it was warm out with a bunch of tightly tied socks.

"Love of your life? Gerard, wanna explain that to me?" Ray asked curiously.

"Shit! I didn't mean that!" I said loudly. "Pshhhh, I have no idea why I said that!" I added.

"Oooooh. You have a crush on Frankiee!!!!!!!!" Ray shouted. Just then the door opened...

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