Ridin' The Train Like A Baus

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A.N./ This chapter is done by Gerard. Anyway, it is in Gerard's Pov. And I totally am not as good as a writer as Ember is because Ember wrote fantastically. And yeah :3 anyway, read, comment, vote, be a good kid and love us. -Gerard

Gerard's Pov~

"Amazing isn't it?" I asked lookign at the black haired boy with thick rimmed glasses, I assumed he was about my age. He looked at me with wide surprised eyes. Almost amazed. I had to admit, I was as amazed as that.

"Ye-yeah. This is like..whoa." the black haired boy said with a nervous smile. I smirked at him and ran my fingers through my red hair, it was normally a ginger color, but I managed to convince Mum to let me dye it the color of the Hogwarts Express train. Fred and George dashed up onto the train disappearing inside.

"Hurry up you two, you don't want to slow down the process of getting to Hogwarts." Percy said patting both me and the black haired boy's shoulders. He said it in a snooty manor, and it made me want to punch him in the face. Or maybe the penis, or wand. That'd be great.

"Alright, alright, Perc. We will." I grumbled, I looked at the guy next to me and he glanced at me. "Would you like to sit with me on the train?" I asked. He looked at me and smirked.

"Sure, that'd be great." He said smiling. We both took our things and lugged them up onto the bloody red train. We got inside, it was larger than it appeared. We found and empty car and sat down together across from eachother. He stared out thte window.

"So, how do they not see us running through the brick wall?" the boy asked looking at me. I smiled and laughed.

"Don't you know? The headmaster of the college, Albus Dumbledore managed to put a giant spell on the train and the Platform making it unseen to the muggle eye." said a voice from the door to the little glass room we sat in. I looked over, the person took the words right from my mouth. It was a tall man, he had curly golden brown hair and a serious expression on.

"I was going to gladly explain that to him." I muttered crossing my arms. The guy smiled and walked into the seat.

"You mind if me and Mikey sit in here with you? The Malfoy's have the other things and the other areas are full. This is the only partially empty one." The person explained. I looked at the black haired boy and he shrugged with a nod.

"Sure, who's Mikey?" I asked. The fro guy leaned out of the little glass roomed and motioned with his arm and smiled. A person walked towards them, it was a gangly tall person, almost as tall as the fro man. He had brown hair and a awkward poker face going on.

"Hi, I'm Mikey Longbottom." The boy said, his facial expression never changing. I somewhat wanted to smack him until he smiled or maybe..broke the poker face. The two lugged their suitcases in and closed the glass doors and sat down, the little cart was full. Mikey sat beside me and the fro guy sat beside the black haired boy.

"Well, I'm Raymond Granger." the fro guy said with a smile.

"Alright Rrrrrraymond." I said drawing out the R with a grin. He narrowed his eyes.

"Call me Ray." he said nodding his head.

"I'm Gerard Weasley." I announced smirking at myself, I had to admit, I had a bit of a sassiness going on, but I don't think they caught on.

"Frank." The black haired boy said nervously, he was fidgeting with his fingernails in his lap. He was almost tucked away in the corner of the seat, I had to think it, but he looked rather cute right there.

"Last name?" Ray asked curiously. Frank stared at his feet, he ended up pulling them up onto the seat and tucking them underneath his body. Scared maybe? I wasn't so sure. But the look in his eye made me curious on why he was so nervous. I didn't relaly like the fact that the Smartass Raymond was prying, but I did really want to know. I'm not the one who really prys all that much, but it was understandable. Especially since we are all trying to know everything about it.

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