Dogs Unleashed

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  • Dedicated to Ray Toro, cause it's his birthday!

A/N: I have a feeling you guys ignore these >.< But, I'm gonna put it anyways. I donno when the next update is gonna be because Gerard's gram is out camping and Gee doesn't have any computer access at the moment. Read on...

"Looks like you two chickened out!" Quin whispered to us in potions.

"If you didn't know, we fought a troll, uglier and taller than your two," Gerard replied without looking up.

"Is that in insult, Weasley?"

"Not directly to you, but I suppose to your boytoys."

"Look at me when I'm talking to you!"

"I'd rather not be disgusted right now. I just ate," Gerard said.

"You're such a loser, Weasley. Just like the rest of your family!"

"Is that honestly the best thing your puny brain can come up with?"

"Who're you calling stupid, Weasley?" Malfoy growled.

"You, obviously."

"You're asking for it!"

"Just don't reply to him. It's not worth the detention you'll get later," I sighed. Gerard nodded and we went back to trying to create our potions.

"Class dismissed," Snape hissed 20 minutes later. Gerard and I were the first ones out of the classroom, like usual. We waited for Mikey and Ray around the corner.

Gerard kept running a hand through his messy red hair, messing it up even more.

It was adorable.

Bad! Your best friend is NOT adorable! You are a boy. He is a boy!

"Frank, get the fuck back to the real world, we have to get to transfiguration!" Ray snapped.

"Sorry," I replied.

"Frank, those girls are staring at you," Mikey whispered.

"Nah, I'm pretty sure they're staring at Red's hair," Ray disagreed.

"I bet they're staring at Mikey," Gerard giggled. Mikey's face turned tomato red.

"They're coming over here. We'll know soon," I said. Mikey tried to sorta hide behind me, but him being tall, lanky, and awkward and me being a shortass, it didn't work so well. Plus, Gerard figured out what he was trying to do and pulled him over to where he was standing, which was closer to the girls.

"H-hi, Frank," one of them stuttered.

"Hey," I replied easily. They both giggled. Gerard coughed loudly. I knew he was trying to cover up a laugh. Ray kicked him for me.

"W-we were wondering i-if you'd like to hang out with us sometime," the first one giggled. Gerard couldn't take it. He fell to the floor, laughing his ass off. I glared at him.

"Sure. We gotta get to class. Talk to you later."

I kicked Gerard who jumped up and glared at me. The girls kept giggling as we walked off to class.

"That was creepy," I muttered.

"Frankie has secret admirers!! Ooooooh!" Gerard taunted.

"Gerard Weasley, shut up before I rip your eyelids off," I hissed.

"You wouldn't do that!"

"How do you know!?"

"Cause I'm your best friend and you'd die without me!"

"Shut up."


"Weasley! Potter! Stop talking and get to your work!" McGonagal yelled.

Frank Potter and the Forbidden Chemical RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now