Frank Potter and the Forbidden Chemical Romance

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Hi, Everyone. If you haven't guessed by the title, this is a My Chemical Romance/Harry Potter story. We had this idea while we were messing around on twitter and somehow started talking about Harry Potter. Then Gerard posted the pic on the side, and it all went downhill from there xD

Frank Iero as Frank Potter

Gerard Way as Gerard Weasley (He's Ron)

Mikey Way as Mikey Longbottom

Ray Toro as Ray Granger (Okay, he is a boy. A boy version of Hermione... Don't be confused)

Bert McCracken as Bert Snape

Bob Bryar as Bob Hagrid

Quinn Allman as Quinn Malfoy

Dan Whitesides as Dan Goyle

Jepha Howard as Jepha Crabbe

All the other characters are the same...

Gerard is writing Gerard Weasley's parts and Ember is writing Frank Potter's parts. We're going to try to update this frequently, but we both have other stories we're working on within our own accounts that we have to work on as well, so if we don't update this every fucking day, don't rip out our eyes please... We need them to see what we're writing.

The cover is done by Gerard, so say good job and write an essay on how awesome it is! Whoever actually writes an essay about the awesomeness of it will get a chapter dedicated to them... (No matter when. If you write an essay you get a dedication)

Gerard would like to add that we are retarded Killjoys who find amusment out of this and the essay writers gets coffee and cookies :3 

~Ember and Gerard.


We do NOT own My Chemical Romance or the Harry Potter series, however we own the plot, so steal it and you may wake up dead O.O

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