First Lesson for Frank, Don't mess with Chemicals

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Frank's POV

The rest of the train ride was fun. I opened up a bit to Gerard, Ray, and Mikey. When the sweets trolley came around, I bought everyone some candy. Gerard was hesitant to except, but after much prodding from me and the others, he did. 

"We'd better put on our robes," Ray said.

"Who died and put you in charge? Or are you our new mum?" Gerard asked sassily.

"Shut your mouth, Red," Ray snapped. But he was smiling.

Despite Gerard's comment, we all changed into our robes.

"First years! Over here! First years!" a voice boomed as we got off the train.

"Hi Bob!" I yelled.

"Hi, Frank. Okay, All first years this way! Into the boats!" Bob said. Gerard and I exchanged a look as we climbed into the rickety looking boats in the midnight black water. Ray and Mikey were in the boat with us.

"This doesn't look safe," Mikey whispered to us in a terrified voice.

"Look, Mikes. If you fall into the water, Ray will dive in and pull you out," Gerard replied.

"Red, you are aiming for a punch in the face," Ray chuckled.

"Ye'll be gittin yer first look at Hogwarts in a min," Hagrid yelled to us.

"Wow," I whispered.

"That is one big castle," Gerard whistled.

"I am so going to get lost," Mikey complained.

"We'll help you get around, Mikes," Ray replied.

"And by we, he means-"

"Don't even say it, Red."

"Fine," Gerard pouted. He looked cute when he pouted.

Wait, what!? Bad Frank! Bad! BadBadBad! Do not call friends cute!

"Fraaaannnkkk. Time to get out of the boat," Gerard said.

"What? Oh, right," I replied. I hoped they couldn't see me blushing in the faint light as Gerard helped me out of the boat.

We followed Bob into the castle and gazed around in awe.

"You kids stay here. Professor McGonagall will be out in a second," Bob said.

"Who's McGonagall?" Mikey asked. 

"A professor," Ray replied smartly.

"How do you know everything, FroMaster?" Gerard asked.

"Well, Red, I know how to read," Ray replied.

"Are you implying I'm stupid?"

"No, I'm implying I read books."


"Hullo, what do we have here?" a cheery voice exclaimed.

"GHOSTS!" someone shrieked.

"Yes, how kind of you to notice!" one said. My mouth hung open as I looked at them all.

"Cool," Gerard muttered. I nodded.

"Shoo, all of you," a lady said in a strict voice.

The ghosts floated through the wall and disappeared.

"Hello. I am Professor McGonagall. I will be your Transfiguration teacher. We are about to go into the main hall, where you will be sorted into houses. There are four houses, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin," the lady said.

Frank Potter and the Forbidden Chemical RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now