64. It's Killing You

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There were hospital lights everywhere. First with the red and blue and the people talking and my eyes blinking. And then it was white and a pile of what looked like green flies swarming around me, their hands all over my neck and my chest and my head and most terrifyingly, my stomach.

I don't like when people outside of family touched my stomach. It made me feel insecure and a little territorial and almost angry. My baby was in there and that was the only form of protection from the outside world.

But my arms were too weak to move and my mouth was drier than a desert and head too heavy to lift. So all I could do was lay there and stare at the passing white lights of the ceiling, my eyes pleading my body to stay alert.


Letting out a loud belt of laughter, my glass of finely-aged scotch tipped with Wilson's, his laughter flowing in harmony with my own as we discussed travel plans for tomorrow and the new HQ of Horan Inc.

It was crazy to think that for years, we have had this plan and suddenly we were watching it come to life in front of our eyes. It was something that I just couldn't grasp. Everything was just flying by and in such a smooth manner (for the most part) that I was honestly quite baffled. I'd built my whole life up to these next few moments within these new years to come.

I think coming to America was the greatest and most life-changing experience that I will forever be grateful for. This really was the American Dream.

"Just thinking back to those old college days, kills me, man!" Wilson chortled, bringing his glass to his lips. "Do you remember when Louis had set you up with that blonde in the library and she literally booked a study room just so you guys could fuck and smoke during finals week?"

"I'm surprised no one actually walked in us," I laughed. "I wrote my whole essay that day, high as shit and managed to make a 97 after fucking emailing my professor to explain why it was a fucking encyclopedia." Wilson laughed along.

"I'm surprised we made it this far, honestly. I thought we were going to crash and burn as soon as we left that place."

"So did I, truthfully," I crackled even louder, tipping my head back as the memories floated through my head quickly. God, we fucking did it. "I for sure thought that my father was going to come after my ass for declining the position to work with the NYSE."

"Fuck, you're an idiot, Horan!"

"Aye, a successful one at that!" We laughed more in unison, raising our glasses once more. After swallowing the rest of my drink in one gulp, I turned to pour another, however, my phone suddenly went off, blaring through my office.

Leaning over the desk, I pressed the speaker, still grinning widely as I glanced over to my best friend. "Niall Horan speaking."

"Sir," Emily's voice rang through the room. "Ellison's mom is on the line. It's urgent."

In a millisecond, my face fell straight as a panicked feeling settled over my chest. Picking up the phone, I pressed it to my ear. "Send her through."

"Yes, sir."

I waited a few seconds as the line connected before I suddenly heard the echo of the line. "Hello?"



"I'm sorry to bother you at work, but is there any possible way that you can meet us at the University Hospital off of Hylan? Ellison had a panic attack this morning and it's triggered a flare-up in the palpations of her heart. The doctors had mentioned something about her heart condition."

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