13. Absolutely Not

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The glass doors of the elevator automatically opened, allowing Ellison and I to step out. Her shoes were immediately taken off, and her jacket was hung displaying her white and purple blouse. I was glad to see that she was starting to catch onto my house rules.

  The sound of the crinkling paper bag echoed off the bare, white walls as Ellison crumpled the rolled top more and walked into my kitchen to place it on the stainless steal, island countertop. I followed after, placing our shoes off to the side. "It doesn't even feel like it's quarter to one in the morning."

I glanced to my stove clock and nodded. "It's still pretty early for me."

"Early?" Ellison gawked.

"Yes. Not all of us have the privilege of going to bed early." I smirked and rounded her to wash my hands in the kitchen sink.

"You're crazy, Horan."

"Who isn't?" I shot back.

"Touché." I flipped the water off, and grabbed some paper towel.

"So, what do you want to do?"

"Well, what do you normally do this late?"

I pursed my lips. "Work." I spoke out after a few moments of brief silence, already starting to chuckle as I knew that Ellison was going to yell at me, which she did. "I don't know! Would you like to watch a movie? I have a few books if you want to read..."

Ellison laughed. "Was seeing me an 'off the top of your head' thing, tonight?"

"Kinda." I smiled and glanced up to see her shake her head with a small grin as well. "Look, I don't generally have people over, okay? When I said I didn't have time, I literally don't have time. However, tonight, I just... I don't know."

"Chill, I'm just teasing you." She joked, rolling her eyes playfully. "Can we have a sleepover?"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "You mean like in the same room?"

Ellison nodded with a grin.

"Absolutely not." I cut off, throwing the soggy paper towel in the trashcan and making my way towards the wooden staircase. My back was still turned to her as I paused before saying, "But, if you happen to fall asleep, I'm not going to go out of my way to move you." I hinted with a smirk, not even bothering to see her reaction as I continued, since the squeal that was released out of her small body was enough of an indication.

I gritted my teeth at the sound, but stayed silent as my feet on the wood echoed off the large, vacant walls. After I stepped inside my room, I walked into my bathroom, standing in front of the man who was everything I wasn't. He was soft and gentle as he lifted his collar and began to slide each little button through the holes of his shirt. His strong arms flexed, filling out the sleeves, but that was not what he was focused on as his azure eyes found mine in the mirror.

He asked about the girl and why she was here. He asked about my act of courtesy and kindness. I could tell he was distressed about the battles he was facing and with the choices he was making. I could sense that he was internally fighting himself over several different events, but I didn't bother to intrude and ask, as it was identified as being rude to barge into someone else's life. So I stayed quiet and continued to watch him undress down to his undershirt and boxer briefs. And then, just like that, he gave me one last look and was gone.

Sighing, I threw my clothing into my laundry basket and walked over to brush my teeth. My eyes refused to meet the man again, the closer the night drew in because I didn't know if I could handle his criticized looks. So instead, I walked out and made my way under the large, black quilted comforter, resting my head on my arms above me.

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