45. It's Your Home Now Too, El

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I shot up from my chair. "Fuck me? Really, Ellison?" Slamming the small box down onto my desk, I noticed her roll her eyes and scoff before walking out. But I was quick to follow.

"Just go lock yourself in your office, Niall."

"Don't you walk away from me!" I grabbed her arm a bit harsher than intended, spinning her around before she could get up the stairs. The panicked look on her face was quickly replaced with one of anger and sadness.

"Don't touch me!" She pulled my hand off of her and pushed me away. "I'm done, Niall."

"Done with what, Ellison? Last time you said that–"

"Last time I said that, I had you basically begging at my feet for another chance, Niall! So don't you even dare try to throw that at me," she screamed, turning to run up that stairs and into our room, leaving me more pissed off than I already was to begin with.

"If you were so done that day, you wouldn't be standing here, right now, Ellison!" I yelled back, watching as she walked over to the balcony.

"And that's my biggest regret, Niall!" She was crying now and I must admit that her words hit me a lot harder than anything ever could. "I shouldn't have ever let you talk me into going on that date with you."

Everything about us came out of that date. The reason I've allowed her into my life. The reason that I've opened up and given her the love that she was looking for. The reason she's living with me, today.

Before, I only knew the name and the hobbies that the name was interested in. I didn't actually know Ellison Louise. I could identify her appearance, yes. And I could, maybe, tell you an interesting fact about her; but, I couldn't tell you what her past was or where she grew up as a child. I couldn't tell you her favorite color or how she liked her tea. I had no idea that she stood in the mirror every morning, reminding herself that she was strong and that she was beautiful and that she was powerful. There was so much to her at that time that I'd yet to see and learn, and I am so beyond thankful for that second chance.

But to hear her say that it was a regret... ripping my heart out of my chest would've been less painful than to hear those words.

She walked back into the room, leaving my head in a spinning mess. Was it just said out of anger or was she actually really upset about that? I mean, a little over an hour ago, she'd confessed that she was in love with everything about me, but you can still love someone and have regrets about certain factors in the relationship.

Making my way up the stairs after a few minutes of internally debating with my head and my heart, I stepped into the room.

"If you came up here to bitch, I don't want to hear it." Ellison stated, numb tears cascading down her cheeks as her face remained passive. She continued to fold laundry, never once looking my way.

I just slowly walked over behind her and lifted her hair to the side before gently kissing a small spot behind her ear. Ellison sniffled but didn't say anything as her shoulder rose, pushing my head away before she just turned and walked into the bathroom with the few clean towels piled in her small hands.

I let out a huff, following behind her like a lost puppy. A lost puppy in my own home, how ironic.

"What do you want?" She snarled, shoving the towels into the cabinet.

I grabbed her hand and pulled her over to me, my eyes staring deep into hers. "Just say the words and I'll let you walk out of here without a second glance."

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