35. Para Mi Amor

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Editing will begin first thing tomorrow morning! Sorry for any mistakes! Xx


                                   N I A L L

The rest of the night was slow and quiet and painfully still.

Even two hours after Ellison's heartbreaking confession of her father, I still didn't know how to feel.

It opened my eyes, though, to what Ellison was really saying about not knowing each other. We knew small, minor details with some exceptions, but if I wanted to be able to say that I knew the girl inside and out, I was going to have to dig further. A lot further. Although, in this moment, this was enough for now.

The tears had finally stopped and we were both back in bed, however neither of us had spoken a word since. Despite the silence, both of us laid wide awake, simply holding each other in the closest way possible. Ellison's head was flat on my chest, fingers sprawled out next to her cheeks; her left hand was on display for the world to see as the bright diamonds on her ring shone through the night air.

I must admit that I was terrified to give her this ring. It would be a step forward for us and a quick one at that. But it was the only way that I was going to have the balls to tell her how I truly felt.

When I'd walked into that jewelry store, I really only had one thing in mind. It was to get her a dancer charm to go along with the letter about her new job. That was it. There was no necklace, no ring, no diamonds, nothing. Just a simple charm to add to her little collection.

But the yellow lights, and the Tiffany blue posters displaying limited edition collection, and the custom made designs... There was no way that I could turn it down. The pair was strikingly beautiful and so simple, yet elegant, and so...perfect.

And I knew that she'd push it away. Of course she would–it had real diamonds in it and dented a small hole in my bank account. But that only made the desire burn more feverishly inside my core. The more I stared at the sign, the more I could picture this girl standing next to me with a symbol of my love displayed for the world to see, even if I had been turned into an avox with my tongue cut and the three small words trapped in my throat, suffocating the only soul in my body.

And then for the set to be named the Dancing Queen Collection, nothing had ever felt more right in my life. And seeing the piece on her slender finger now, was the only confirmation that I'd needed to settle this pounding heart of mine.

Slowly picking up her fingers and bringing them to my lips, a soft peck was given to her knuckles. Ellison looked up, cheeks still puffy and slightly pink.

"You're wearing it." I whispered, cracking the deafening silence.

She half-grinned and shifted her gaze to the ring. "Yeah."

"Does it fit you okay?"

"Yeah, it's the correct size." Her drowsy eyes caught mine again and I suddenly had the urge to just take this girl and kiss the hell out of her. However, I tried my hardest to suppress the feeling and instead just twiddled with her fingers on my chest.

"Do you like it?"

"Yeah, it's just a lot." She softly grinned again, green eyes suddenly being shielded by her thick lashes as they came down to rest on her cheeks. "You practically bought me an engagement ring in place of a promise ring."

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