10. I'm Going to Steal Your Heart

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"Payno!" I answered the call. "To what do I owe you the pleasure?"

Liam and I used to be quite close. Roommates at Harvard, actually. We were known as the inseparable two. Everywhere Liam was, I wasn't far behind and vice versa. Women would fawn over us and fight just to sit in the seat closest. Those were the good times.

Liam eventually went into Law and became one of the top greatest lawyers in both, America and Europe. He had moved out to England just a few years back, stationing in London, while I ended up in New York. We still kept in touch, but our schedules were so busy and conflicting that it caused great difficulty.

"Aye, mate. Is there any way that you'd be able to meet at Tweed Courthouse?" My eyebrows furrowed.

"Sir, I am currently working. Is there an emergency?"

Liam sighed. There was a bit of commotion in the background, but it seemed to quickly drown out. "Not an emergency, but I am standing with Ellison Mioré. She claims to know you personally?"


"Well, according to a woman named Janis Jackson, Ellison had refused to let her close down her dance academy. She claims that Ellison was rudely behaved, had ripped multiple documentations out of her hand, and was defiant towards directions about leaving the property. Jackson then called the police over trespassing and Ellison is now being fined. A court date has yet to be set." I'd never gritted my teeth harder in my life.

"I'll be there in forty minutes tops." I bit before slamming the phone down and paging Emily.

She answered on the second ring.

"Emily, I have an issue to take care of and am leaving early. Please lock up and I will see you first thing tomorrow morning."

"Yes, sir." I hung up the line and slammed my computer into my brief case before fixing my tie and storming out of the building.

What the actual fuck was she thinking?! To trespass and refuse to leave to the point where police are involved? Are you fucking kidding me?

The drive there felt rather short as I was distracted by my own thoughts the entire time. Ellison Louise really knew how to piss me off and without even laying a hand on me.

Once I finally arrived, after weaving through thousands of tourists who need to learn how to drive and not stare out the damn windows, I parked and cut the power to my car. Stepping out, I caught sight of a group of paparazzi to the side, probably waiting for someone famous or something to step outside. However, a flash went off in my direction and I couldn't help but to curse under my breath.

"Niall Horan!" A few men shouted, but I just stepped past them and continued walking up the steps. "Mr. Horan, is it true that Liam Payne is here?"

Ah. Makes sense now.

"Can we get a few words from you?" A guy shouted, as others started blasting out questions about why I was here, if Liam and I were still friends, how my company was doing, etc. But, I just opened the large wooden doors, my feet instantly stepping onto the white ceramic titles. The heavy wood slammed shut behind me as my eyes peered up to glance around the open space, my eyes looking for Liam and Ellison.

I spotted them not too far away, both sitting on a wooden bench. Ellison say with her arms and legs crossed, leaning back as if she was in deep thought. Liam on the other hand sat straight with a fixed posture, his eyes on his phone as he scrolled through something displayed on the screen.

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