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"Kookie look at me breath in and out. Just follow my breathing." Namjoon tried but Jungkook panicked even more since Yoongi always said that to him. Tears seem to endlessly slip from his face while he shook his head dangerously fast. Namjoon grabbed Jungkooks face. "Okay, no need to panic even more. Let's try something els." Jungkook nodded desperately, he just wanted to be able to breath. "Okay, Kookie tell me the name of three objects in the room." Jungkook looked around the room to the best of his ability with tears eyes. "T-t-ta-ta-bl-ble." Jungkook manages to stutter out. Breathing calming the slightest bit. "I-I-I...ir-ir....iron..m-man." " Your doing great." Namjoon praised knowing Jungkook was a sucker for praise. "An-an-and....." Jungkook looked around the room again. Sight clearing a bit. "L-l-la-lam-p." Jungkook calmed down quite a bit. "Amazing Kookie." Namjoon said going true his hair with his hand calming the boy a bit more. "Now can you tell me three colors in the room?" "B-black, red and yel-el-low." Jungkook managed to say with the slightest stutter and his breathing close to normal. Namjoon hugged the boy and whispered some more praise into his ear.

"Thank you." Jungkook whispered voice a bit hoarse. "No problems kid." Namjoon said checking his phone right after. "Shit. Jin also passed out."

Jin woke up after about a half day not knowing anything that had happened until the moment he and Helena left the calming spot. The others sighed in relief hoping Yoongi would wake up soon.

In the mean time a Taehyung and Dominic were oblivious too the panic happening outside Taehyungs room. Taehyung had told Dominic about what happened with Jimin. Dominic was beyond flabbergasted. He just couldn't believe Jimin, the always smiling, happy guy would hurt his own brother in such a way. "Please tell me you don't mean that he physically hurt." Taehyung just stayed silent debating if he should answer. Eventually he just nodded. Dominic just hugged the boy. "Don't worry I will protect you. And tell me if something similar happens." Taehyung nodded again loving the warmth he got in the embrace.

The next morning was kind of somber. Yoongi still had not woken up and Jungkook was sad beyond belief. Taehyung who was still oblivious to the hole situation had made breakfast. Or at least tried to make some while FaceTimeing Dominic's who gave him instructions.

"Hey, babe I got to go. I will see you later at the audition." Dominic said existed even tough it was still morning. " 'Kay bye." Taehyung hang up.

Not much later Jungkook slumped down the stairs. Namjoon following him. "Why are you guys so sad?" Taehyung asked. "Have you read the groups chat?" Taehyung shook his head. "My phone ran out of battery." Taehyung said grabbing his phone to check his missed messages. "Oh my God." He embraced Jungkook. "It's okay Jin already woke up so he will be up in no time." Jungkook sadly smiled. "Well we're going out in a bit would you mind keeping an eye on Yoongi." Namjoon asked."Yeah, but I got an audition later. Do you think one of you will be here around 4 o'clock?" "Yeah I'm. School end at three." "Now that that is figured out I'm going to shower." Namjoon said walking back up the stairs as Jungkook help Taehyung with breakfast.

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