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A little further from the group Taehyung sat on a bench alone looking at his friends talking.

"Hi." A boy suddenly came into his vision. "Do you know by any chance know how much a ice bear weights?" Taehyung looked puzzled at the boy. "Enough to break the ice. Hi, I'm Dominic and do you come here often?" Taehyung blushed when he realized the boy was flirting with him. "Not the type for pick up lines I see." Dominic said since he wasn't getting an answer from Taehyung.

"Taehyung." Jimin suddenly came running towards them. "Why are you here?" Jimin asked but only receiving silence as an answer. "Did I interrupt something?" Jimin asked looking at the two boys. Taehyung nodded timidly. "Hi, I'm Jimin. Taehyungs twin brother." "Hi, I'm Dominic. Nice to meet you. It seems your brother isn't much of a talker, is he?" "Yeah, he rarely speaks." Dominic turned his attention back to Taehyung. "What do you says handsome. Would you take my number so we could text?" Taehyung nodded blushing even more.

"How come the prince of hell is blushing?" Jimin asked teasingly while the twins walked to the group. Taehyung just lowers his face hoping to hide the fact that he was blushing even more. He can't help the weird tingly feeling, like there's a bunch of butterflies in his stomach, which gave him rosy cheeks.

They ended their day at the beach watching the sun set. Yoongi was leaning on Jungkook shoulder asleep while others just took the beautiful scenery in.

"How can he sleep with that much coffee in his system?" Haya asked as they made their way to the van. Jungkook was carrying Yoongi bridle style and just chuckled at her comment. "He is used to sleeping 24/7." Jungkook said looking at the older sleep in his arms with a fond smile. "Let's go home so he can sleep comfterble."

When everyone made it to mount Olympus Jungkook went to the dream realm to bring Yoongi to bed. After he tucked the older boy in he felt a slight pull on his arm. "Stay." Yoongi sleepily said. "I need to go." "Come on we never get to be alone. I want to cuddle." Yoongi pouted. "Okay, but only because I'm free tomorrow." Jungkook responded. "Keep telling yourself that." Yoongi answered snuggling closer.

"When are we going to tell them about us being together?" Jungkook asked. "Sssh, we're going to figure that out once I'm fully awake. For now shut up and snuggle closer you smell nice." Jungkook chuckled at his boyfriends reaction. He pecked his lips before snuggling closer and falling asleep.

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