Tinker Bell

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Chapter Nine

Tinker Bell

followed Noah into the night, even though I still think he hasn’t got the slightest clue where he’s going.

   “Noah,” I called carefully. “Don’t you think it’d be wiser if we drove to wherever we’re going?”

   “No.” Noah said swiftly. He looked back at me with his lazy grin. “Don’t worry, Wendy, I’ll protect you, I always do.”

    I flushed, thinking back to our first night. My first thought of him was that he’s a bucket full of weird and that’s still my thought of him. Oh, my strange Disney boy. I can’t help but be thankful for that night. Sure, I probably would’ve met him the next day in school anyways, but it wouldn’t have been the same. I wouldn’t have been meeting the strange boy that dresses like Peter Pan and goes around saving girls that he says are his Wendy. I wouldn’t have known him like that, like the boy that takes trips to Neverland and the boy that saved my life. And I don’t want to know him for anything but a strange Disney boy.

    “C’mon, Wendy, you’re slowing me down.” He flashed me his boyish grin and fell into step beside me.

    “Why do you call me that?” I asked. My breath blew in the air in front of my face. It’s a cold night. “Wendy. I don’t resemble Wendy Darling in anyway.”

    He looked at me with that puzzling look again. “You look like my Wendy. Wendy doesn’t come with a description. Sure, you don’t look like the original but that’s the point. You’re my Wendy and I’m your Peter. We can fly away to Neverland and sword fight with Captain Hook because that’s the point, Wendy, it doesn’t have to make sense, we don’t have to follow the rules as long as we make up a new set that follows the philosophy of never growing up and fixing everything with a bit of pixie dust.” He smiled at me and his eyes melted through my own. “That’s the thing about Disney and one day, I promise I will show you everything you refuse to believe in.”

    I slipped my hand in his before I lost my courage. His hands are nice; soft, yet rough. Nice. “I look forward to that day, Peter.”

    He grinned boyishly down at me and squeezed my hand. “As do I, Wendy.”

    We continued to walk in silence, well silence from us but screaming from the rest of the city. I don’t think New York is truly ever quiet. I like it though; it keeps me on my toes and doesn’t let me ponder over unfortunates for too long. I’m not quite sure where we’re going and I’m not even sure if Noah knows but decided to keep quiet. The fell of Noah’s warm hand in mine could have me following him anywhere. Note to self: do not touch Noah in times of critical thinking. Could be fatal.

    Noah had somehow gotten us out of my area and on to a busy road and I unconsciously gripped Noah’s hand tighter as angry cars zoomed past us.

    “Jeez,” I mumbled. “Are you sure it’s safe to walk here?” I asked as a big black truck skidded dangerously close to the curve.

     Noah sent me an amused grin. “Here.” He pushed me on the inside of the side walk and on the other side of him before taking hold of my hand again. “Now you’re safe.”

     Yes, Noah, but it’s not me I’m worried about.

     We walked on and I was beginning to realize just how cold it was out. I really should’ve but on a jacket; I think this sweater actually carries the wind towards me and I still have no idea where we’re going.

     “Noah?” I called. He looked down at me with big blue eyes. “Uh, where are we going?”

     “Secret,” he smirked and I think he likes holding the suspense over me. “If I tell you, it’ll ruin the fun.” Yep, called it.

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