Alice in Wonderland

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Chapter Five

"Uh, Noah?" I asked unsurely. "Where are we?"

    Noah placed his mother's minivan in park and avoided eye contact. "Um, Brittany's house?"

    "What?" I asked the question calmly, willing myself not to freak out. "And why, Noah, are we here?"

    "Um," he swallowed and unbuckled his seat belt. "Because she asked us to come over."

    I crossed my arms over my chest. "I'm not leaving this car."

    He pouted at me. "C'mon, Carly, it'll be fun, Brittany seemed like she wanted to be friends."


     "I'll carry you."


     "Fine," he said, shoving the van door open and stepping out. He leaned his head in. "I'll just tell them that your waiting in the car because you're afraid to come inside."

     I stuck my chin up and looked away. Noah let out a grumble and slammed the van door, making the rest of it shake. I watched Noah walk up the pathway to Brittany Shaw's house, his steps slow and deliberate, like he was waiting for me to break.

    Well, I thought, he's going to be waiting a while, because there's no way in hell I'm going in that hous-

    "Screw it," I mumbled, ripping of my seatbelt and slamming the door open. I ran across the pathway to catch up to Noah, more terrified of going in by myself then in general.

     Noah looked at me with a smug smile. "Not a word." I said, repeating his words from the other night.

    He muffled a laugh.

    I can't believe I'm doing this. I'm about to enter Brittany Shaw's house. The Brittany Shaw. Cheerleader captain, ruler of the school, pretty, bitchy and richie posy of girls that follow her around like leeches. And I, Carly Ann Summers, was about to enter her house.

     I put my fingers into a gun and pretended to shot myself. Noah sent me a weird look.

     Okay, breathe. Don't forget to breath. It's a very important part of not having a panic attack. Also, don't say anything stupid. Or dorky. Like talk about your limited addition Harry Potter collection or the tapped shows of Dr. Who you plan on watching when you get home. Also, no mentions of the war zone which is your house or your mother who killed herself. Besides that, everything will be fine.

     I closed my eyes and watched as Noah pressed down on the shiny white doorbell. I feel like Dean Winchester traveling into hell again and knowing that this would be the last thing he wants to be doing but knowing it's the only way to save all of mankind. Given, my situation is a tiny bit different, because basically I'm just here under peer pressure, but it feels the same.

    Peer pressure is bad. You should never give into it. It might lead you to having a panic attack on Brittany Shaw's steps. Or crying home later with a tube of ice-cream and the collection of Nicolas Sparks movies.

     The door swung open and I held my breath. Like literally held my breath. I think my face is turning blue. I really need to breathe.

     I exhaled deeply as Brittany Shaw smiled and stepped back. She was changed from earlier today, wearing a pair of tight black shorts and a top that showed her belly. It's an outfit that Becky would call, slutty.

     "Hi," she smiled brightly and gestured us in. "Come in."

    We stepped in and if Noah didn't place his hand on the small of my back, I was sure I would collapse.

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