The Lion King

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Chapter Six

    “Are you sure you don’t want anything to drink?” Aiden asked me for about the billionth time, raising a blonde eyebrow down at me.

    “I told you, my sister will kill me if she finds me drunk. Like legit kill me. She’ll probably hire an assassin to shot me in the head then rip my organs out or something. Then, she’d find a wizard to bring me back from the dead just to do it all over again.” I looked up at him and smiled sweetly. “So no, I don’t think I’ll be drinking tonight.”

    Aiden laughed. He seemed to be doing that a lot. I think he’s drunk. His eyes do seem slightly glazed. “Why is your sister looking after you again?”

    “My parents are on vacation.” I lied. It sounded better than, ‘my mother killed herself and I don’t know who my dad is.’

    He nodded and took another sip from his cup. I think it’s his six or seventh, plus two beer bottles. Hopefully he doesn’t get alcohol poisoning and die. That’d be unfortunate.

    The party was in full swing, even though there were only around fifteen people. I figured out Brittany Shaw’s parties are pretty darn exclusive. Oh, and they also don’t follow regular party guide lines, like having a party on a Friday or Saturday night, considering it’s Monday and they’re partying like people in a Much music video.

    Becky’s phoned me twice already and I told her I was studying at Cherry’s and that I won’t be home until late. Luckily, something happened in the kitchens at Dona’s Diner, best coffee in town, and she didn’t have time to read too much into the story. Cherry doesn’t study. Unless it’s the science of how to get cheap, free and always available drugs.

    “Do you want to dance?”

    “Huh?” I questioned, turning to Aiden with raised brows.

    He smiled. “I said, do you want to dance?”

    “Oh,” I flushed, “I’m not too good at that.”

    “C’mon.” He grabbed my hand in his. It was sweaty and warm but felt nice. Not as nice as a certain curly haired boy but still nice.

    He led me to the middle, the grassy part right next to the lake. His hands slipped around my waist and I hesitantly slipped mine around his neck. He smiled at me and I tipped my lips in response.

    We started to sway and my heart beat started to calm so slightly.

      Look, Carly! You’re dancing!

     That’s right; I’m practically America’s next best dancer. Watch out, Carly Ann Summers is about to take all possible dancers and wipe the dance floor with their blood. Okay, this is why I’m not in any organized sports. I get far too competitive. I was in soccer when I was little, but got thrown out for kicking a soccer ball at the coach’s balls. He said I couldn’t take the ball from my own team mates. I said I could. Personally, I think I won that battle.

    “What are you thinking about?” Aiden laughed as I looked up at him with a startled expression. “You’re cute.”

    “You’re just full of compliments tonight, huh.”

    He grinned. “I can’t help myself.”

    I shook my head and smiled. Our bodies swayed back and forth and I found myself liking it. I liked the way his hands gripped my hips and my arms hung loosely over his shoulders. It felt nice.

    “What’s the deal with you and Noah?”

    “What do you mean?” Why do people keep asking that?

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