22: Mama

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Summer was almost over and every time I walked past Dean's house to take Bandit to the park, it took every ounce of me to not knock on his door and run into his arms.
        "Alright, Bandit, Lucy and her mom are over there. I'm going over to the skate park so if you need me, you need to have Lucy's mom bring you over, Okay?" She nodded and I walked her over to where Lucy and her mom were sitting.

        "I told bandit that if she needs me, you need to bring her over."
        Lucy's mother nodded and I walked over to the skate park, my skateboard in my hand. I stuck in my earbuds and started playing Fall Out Boy as I reached the skate park. I skated around for awhile by myself to clear my head until a couple guys showed up.
        One of them reminded me of Dean but his hair was darker and he had green eyes like mine and he was wearing a snap-back instead of a beanie.

        I walked up to them and they saw my board.
        "Nice board!" I smiled and thanked them. "I'm Dylan and this is Geoffrey and Mikey." I smiled.
        "My uncle's name is Mikey. Anyway, I'm Kira." Geoffrey looked up.
        "Wait, Mikey Way?" I nodded slowly. "Oh that's sick. Oh, I promise I'm not going to treat you nicely to get to Mikey or anything, I'm not like that." I raised an eyebrow.
        "You sure?" He nodded.

        We all talked for awhile until I spotted Bandit, Lucy, and Lucy's mother walked this way. Bandit ran towards me and hugged me.
        "We have to go cause Lucy has a doctors appointment but tell Lindsey that I'll let her know when the girls can get together again." I nodded and they left.
        "This is Bandit, my little sister." Bandit waved to all of them and Dylan grinned.

        "She's so cute. But she doesn't really look like you, no offense." I started laughing.
        "I was adopted last fall. Bandit needed an older sister and I needed a loving home so it all worked out. And it's fine cause Bandit is the little sister I've always wanted!" Dylan smiled.

        Soon, Gerard texted me and said we had to come home.
        "Hey, can I get your numbers so we can keep in touch?" They all nodded and we exchanged phone numbers. We walked home and I glanced over at Dean's house to see him with his board. He looked over at me and I bit my lip, walking faster to catch up with Bandit.

        I watched Kira walk faster and I wanted to run over to her so badly and apologize. I saw Geoffrey and them and ran over to them.
        "Hey guys." They all waved.
        "Dean, didn't you date Gerard Way's daughter?" I pursed my lips and slowly nodded.
        "Yeah. I- I fucked up the relationship. I spent a lot of time with this new girl at school and ignored Kira for a lot of things and I deeply regret it." I bit my lip to keep from crying.

        "Hey, before you leave in a few weeks, you should apologize to her. I could see the pain in her eyes." I looked up at Dylan.
        "You talked to her?" They all nodded.
        "She was skating for awhile and she started talking to us. She seems really cool," I looked down. "Dean, we get you made a mistake. And it definitely was a bad one. But you can fix this if you try." I nodded slowly.

        "I gotta go." I set my board down and skated home, rushing into the house and to my room.

Scared ~ Adopted by the Way'sDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora