Chapter 12

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Ruba found herself, again, in a dark room, floating forward to what Ruba thought was a light. Thoughts were crowding Ruba’s mind: What was she doing in a dark room, why was she dreaming of such strange things? The one thought that Ruba kept referring to was why there was electricity flowing through her hands?

Since Naomi’s incident, Ruba has been trying to stay away from magic. Was dreaming about magic, her body’s way in telling her that she needs magic?

Ruba rolled over to the left side of her bed, curling up in a ball, holding her head from the pain thumping away in her head. She rolled to the right and curled up again, holding her head. A few minutes passed and Ruba lay straight in her bed with her pillow on top of her head and her two hands, held tightly on the pillow to keep it in place.

Ruba grew impatient and slowly started to feel irritated that she couldn’t lye comfortable. She threw the pillow to the right and it landed on top of the floorboard at the back of her room. She threw her hands to the side of her body and sighed a frustrated sigh. She swung herself out of her bed and sat on her bed looking at the ground. She breathed in a heavy sigh. Her chest going up and then slowly down. She started thumping her foot on the ground as if there were a beat.

Ruba scanned her bedroom right to left and her eyes landed on her pillow lying on the floor. She used her hands to lift herself off of her bed in an instant, as if she had a brainwave and had to quickly get up and do something about it. Ruba walked over to the pillow, her hands in front of her, fidgeting, looking around her room curiously.

Ruba knelt down and grabbed the pillow and walked back to her bed. Just before she reached her bed, she stood still in her tracks and looked around her room in curiosity again. She dropped her pillow on her bed and ran over to her floorboard where the pillow was. Kneeling down, she removed her floorboard and stuffed her hand in the hole and out came a spell book of health.

Ruba opened the book and turned for a page to cure headaches. Ruba started chanting.

“The aches I feel in my head in the morning…” Ruba breathed in and carried on. “…Banish them… banish them and cure my mind.”

Ruba sat with the book open, slowly feeling relieved. She crawled to a wall and laid her back on it and rested her head.

No pain.


A few minutes passed and as if Ruba were shocked, she packed the spell book back and closed her floorboard and headed for her phone on her bedside table. She dialled Amy’s phone number and without letting Amy speak, Ruba rushed her words.

“Amy! Amy, tell the others they all need to be round mine now!” Ruba hung up and ran downstairs. She ran into the living room and started towards the windows, which faced the road, to see if her friends were on their way.

No sign.

Ruba walked to her front door and as she was reaching for the door, she heard the doorbell ring. Ruba opened the door and stood in her tracks looking curiously at her surroundings. Stood in front of her was Amy. Behind Amy was Michael to the right. To the left was Joseph and behind them was Willow.

“Ruba… Ruba are you okay? You ah… you look kinda pale…” Amy’s face scrunched up in curiosity and sympathy.     

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