Chapter 22

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“Hello?” Ruba picked up her phone and answered it. Not recognising the voice, Ruba sounded questionable.

“Ruba. It-It’s Willow.”

“Oh! Hey Will! How you doing?”

“Good! Haven’t spoken to you in quite some time.”

Ruba walked into the living room and grabbed the control and switched the TV on. “Yeah, it has.”

“Well, I rang to see if you were busy. Everyone’s coming round mine in about an hour, if you wanna come?”

“Do I? I’ll be there. See you soon!”

“See you!”

Ruba tilted her head back and exhaled. She closed her eyes and shook her head.

My life right now…

Kaitlin walked in and interrupted Ruba. “Who was that?” She questioned.

“Oh, Willow.”

Kaitlin walked in further and sat next to Ruba, facing her. “Then, why so glum?”

“Because mum…” Ruba inhaled quietly and let out a loud sigh. “They’re a bad influence on me…”

Kaitlin took a moment to understand. “Oh… I see.” Kaitlin gave a they’re-witches-aren’t-they? look.

Ruba widened her eyes as a response to her mother’s look.

Kaitlin placed a hand on Ruba’s leg. “Well, how about you go and see how it goes?”

“Suppose…” Ruba commented.

With that, Ruba was off of the couch and heading for the door. Before she left, she quickly popped into the bathroom and looked over herself: Good clothes, presentable hair…

She grabbed her keys and left the house.

On her way to Willow’s  she was thinking how it would be. Would it be awkward with her friends? She hasn’t seen them in quite some time. She was worried that maybe they won’t speak to her; she was also worried because she thought they were going to hurt her. Maybe they found out about her going to church?

* * *

Ruba knocked on Willow’s front door. Everything looking so distant from her. Willow’s brown door with golden door knobs and a mail box right at the front of her house. Ruba heard footsteps ascending from behind the door.

Willow opened the door and greeted Ruba with a hug. “I missed you!”

Ruba gave an awkward smile. Maybe Ruba didn’t miss her friends… maybe she was happy without them…

“Come, follow me… everyone’s upstairs in my room.”

Ruba followed Willow and then something crossed her mind.


The last time they were together, it didn’t exactly end so well. Ruba was thinking of how rude and bitchy Amy had become. The way she pretended to help Ruba just so she can throw all her witchcraft books, so she can become the better witch.


Ruba pushed it by her and decided that, if Amy is there, to just get along.

Willow opened her bedroom door and the talking stopped. Michael and Joseph rose from the ground and Amy’s head snapped towards the door. She glared at Ruba and got up.

Joseph and Michael walked towards Ruba, in shock that she was actually standing there.

“Whoa, is that Ruba? “Joseph prodded Ruba.

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