#clash no. 017

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Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now?

John Lennon

"I dreamed of you last night." I say as I put my plate on the table and sit facing him.

"And your mother?" he asks, and I cringe at his use of the word 'mother'.

"Yeah," I confirm as I take a bite of my burger. "her."

"So what was it this time?" he asks.

I stop in the middle of another bite to look at him. He sounds... curious! I furrow my eyebrows. He seems to be in a good mood today. Could the reason be that he somehow found out that I'm in a terrific mental state? If yes, then I'm flattered to be able to influence his moody.

"The birds one." I sigh.

"Are you scared?"

"Of what?"

"Of her." He says, locking his eyes with me. "Of meeting her tomorrow, precisely."

"No." I shake my head. But double negative means affirmative, everyone knows that. "Besides, you'll be with me. So it'd be alright. Won't it, Akashi-sama?"

"You really should take a a Schizophrenia test." he mumbles and sighs. Then swipes his mouth with a handkerchief and stands up.

"You leaving already?" I expected him to leave the moment I sat opposite of him, but he took his time.

He doesn't look at me nor does he reply. When he's beside me, he leans so close that his hot breath touches my earlobe as he whispers, "You need to get over me, Enya."

"I don't think so." I shrug innocently.

"You do. Get over me." He breathes. "Otherwise you will never be able to avenge your father."

And then he's gone.


You now know basically everything there is to know. Can you guess the story line?


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