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Lance flopped onto his bed and began his daily report of the day. He slowly texted out everything that happened that day, sending it to his mama, his papa and all of his hermanos. He knew that they'd never send but it was a routine that helped him calm down.

When he had gotten shot off into space, he had his phone with him, and then he just started texting. At first it had just been a simple explanation. Where he was, and why he wouldn't be home for a while. But then he started writing out his insecurities and his feelings too. Telling the nonexistent reader about how he felt about the war. Then he started sending selfies he took of all the teammates.

Lance hit the send button and looked up to see the heartbreaking '0 of 211 sent' at the top of the screen. Lance wished that they'd be sent. He could just imagine their faces when they received a text from their son that they thought was dead.

He was interrupted from his homesickness by an alert from the princess. A planet was in danger. He shoved his phone into the hidden compartments in his armor and raced into the bridge.

"Paladins," Allura said loudly. "Zarkon's forces are attacking the planet of Ziles!"

"Oh no! That planet is very important for the coalition!" Coran cried. "They have such a strong connection with the rest of the galaxies, they can send messages and alerts to planets halfway across the galaxy!"

"Don't worry Coran, we'll save them," Shiro promised before saying his signature line and dismissing everyone to their lions. Lance zipped down the zipline and landed gracefully in his lion.

The battle was ridiculously short, the forces clearly weak. All that was needed was Hunk's cannon and the battle was over. We all cheered and landed on the planet, instantly being swarmed by the locals.

We were invited to a feast and we all sat around the table, listening to stories when I felt my phone buzz. I froze and lifted it out to see that all of my messages had been sent and I had received one.


Lance's family POV

Marcus laughed loudly as he ran around the small house. Rosa put her hands on her hips and told him to stop running but he ignored him. Rosa just laughed and shook her head fondly. She walked back into the kitchen when she saw her phone being blown up. She picked it up and screamed.

"Mama! What is it? Que paso?" Lucas cried, racing into the room where Rosa was staring at her phone like it was a living creature. She then shakily lifted it up so he could see it.

"Lance?" he whispered. Rosa nodded. "Lance! Guys! Lance! It's Lance!" Lucas screamed, jumping up and down happily. The entire family zoomed into the kitchen, the small room filling up quickly with all the people. Everyone sat down around Rosa.

"Mama, read them aloud." Alejandro prompted.

Rosa took a deep breath and began...

Lance 2:26

Hey mama. It's Lance. I just wanted to tell you I'm safe. I got picked up by a giant blue lion robot thingy. It's actually apart of this giant robot called Voltron. It took us way out into space. Turns out I'm it's paladin and I'm supposed to save the universe. It's crazy. There's this guy called Zarkon and he's conquering the universe. So I have to fight to make sure you guys stay safe. I love you all.

Lance 4:38

Hey mama. It's Lance. Today we defeated a giant robeast. Our leader, Takashi Shirogane (I know soooo cool) was like 'Form Voltron' and we did. It was totally awesome!

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