Soulmate AU

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Keith rubbed a hand over the arrow on the inside of his wrist. His soul mark. His soulmate would have the same arrow in their wrist. If Keith ever met them, that is. Back when humanity was relatively new, humans looked different. They had two heads, four arms, four legs and one heart. The Gods, fearing the power humans could gain, split them in half. Now humans are their own person, but with only half a heart. Now they had to find the person they were fused with in order to be completely whole once more. Their soulmate.

Keith was actually excited to meet his soulmate. He really wanted to find them and fall in love. But then he got sucked into space. And now he was going to be alone forever. He would never get the chance to meet his soulmate now.

Just then his arrow started to glow. Keith gasped in pain and held it. His soulmate was in pain! This had been happening more often now. Whenever his soulmate was hurt, Keith would feel it. He could just barely feel the sting on his arms. Keith's stomach lurched. He had figured this out a long time ago. His soulmate was cutting themselves. And Keith was hurt that there was nothing he could do to help them. He had confided in Shiro but he wasn't very helpful.

Keith fought back tears as he felt his designated lover harming themselves. Damnit! Why does everyone he care about hurt themselves?

Keith hefted himself off his bed and walked to the training room. He needed to hit something. He trained for hours on end. He got kicked in the stomach twice, leaving a pretty nasty bruise. After a while though he started to calm down. He just wished he could help his soulmate. Take away their pain. Tell them they're loved. Tell them they're important. Hold them and comfort them.

Keith gritted his teeth as he walked. He trained to hard and he was feeling it now. He limped into the dining room where the rest of the paladins sat. They looked up at him and stared. Keith glared and sat down. Lance just looked at Keith in concern. Ugh, Lance. Keith sort of liked him, nothing compared to what he felt for his soulmate, no, but he did like Lance. Even though Keith hadn't met his soulmate he still felt for them. He missed them, despite never meeting face to face.

"You good, mullet?" Lance asked.

"'M fine," Keith grunted. "Just trained a little too hard."

"Oh," Lance said. He then smiled. "Maybe your my soulmate. I mean I could feel my soulmates soreness. I think they go to a gym. What do you think Keith? Are you my soulmate?"

"I hope not," Keith said. Not because he had something against Lance, but because he didn't want Lance to be cutting himself. He wanted Lance to be happy. Lance frowned at that and looked down and continued eating.

"Yeah, me too." Lance mumbled, itching at his arms. Keith felt his arrow light up again and felt a strange itching feeling spread across his arm. Keith groaned. No, not twice in the same day! Please, stop hurting yourself!

"Uh, Keith, your arm is glowing." Hunk said. Shiro eyed Keith wearily.

"Yeah, my soulmate is...hurting themselves." Keith gulped, avoiding eye contact with the rest of the paladins. There were gasps all around nd Lance shook slightly as he asked Keith the next question.

"Keith?" he asked. Keith looked up at Lance. "Can I...Can I see your soul mark?" Keith must have showed shock on his face because Lance instantly recoiled. "I mean you don't have to, it's yours and your soulmates. Sorry I was just curious.." Keith shook his head.

"No it's cool," Keith lifted his right arm and pulled down his sleeve a little to reveal the arrow. Lance paled and then smiled brightly, replacing his fear with a happy facade. Keith frowned as he recognised those movements. Keith had done the same things years ago, before he got better.

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