Strange magic part 4

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So I was reading through my oneshots (cuz I do that) and was reading the strange magic series and was all like 'Wait...where's part 4? I know I wrote it.....' So it turns out that I didn't post part 4, I thought I did, but I didn't. So here it is....better late than never! 

"You were the bomber?" Lance cried. It made no sense. "You. Mr. Pantene got your hands dirty?"

"I do not know what this 'Pantene' is, but I'm assuming it's an insult so as the humans say, kindly fuck off," Lotor snapped. He brushed his hands through his hair before taking a deep breath and continuing. "And yes, I did in fact bomb you all at that market. I wanted to prove a theory. A theory that I have in fact proven. You, Blue Paladin Lance are a witch."

Lance gasped and clenched his hands tightly. Shit. Shiro had warned Lance not to let Zarkon find out that the paladins weren't humans. He didn't want Zarkon to use this information to his advantage. Lance let out a breath and smiled cooly.

"I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about, Prince Lotion," Lance lied through his teeth. Keith glared harshly at Lotor, but Lance could just barely see the corners o Keith's mouth twitch, fighting a smile. "I am just a regular human caught in the middle of a ten thousand year war."

Lotor narrowed his eyes. "Hmm. If you refuse to acknowledge this, than perhaps I must force you to," Lotor smiled. "It would be very helpful to have a witch join us. I'll just kill this boy-toy of yours before I force you to join our side."

Lance felt his blood freeze at the thought of Lotor hurting Keith. Keith was the love of lance's life and he refused to let anything hurt him. Keith only smirked crazily. "If you can touch me." he said before launching an attack on Lotor.

Lance watched with adoration and worry as his lover attacked the crazed prince. It was like a deadly dance, both fighting with fatal grace and power. It was intoxicating to watch. Lance watched with bated breath as Keith advanced on the prince, his bayard glinting against the harsh lights.

Keith was an animal. Lotor wasn't able to lay a single hand on him. He kept him occupied with his different attacks. Lotor was clearly losing and Lance had never been more proud of his lover. Keith was absolutely incredible.

But then the scene shifted. The ship tilted to the right causing them to stumble and Keith to drop his bayard. Lotor, sensing his opportunity, kicked as far away from the both of them as possible. Keith, now defenseless, was resorted to hand-to-hand combat. Lance wanted Keith to just get over the rule placed on him by Shiro and use his damned magic but Lance knew that Keith wouldn't spite Shiro that way. Keith would use his fists to win this fight. But Lance already knew that wouldn't work.

Lotor raised his sword to deliver the final blow.

"NOOOOO!" Lance cried. He felt his magic lose control.His mama had warned him of the dangers of using too much magic at once. It could cause magic sickness. But right now Lance didn't care about what would happen to him. All he cared about was Keith, and how he could protect him.

Lance's magic lashed out in crazed waves. It couldn't find a way to stable itself so it kept switching between ice, water, and water vapor. Lotor was hit with an assault of ice pellets, freezing water and fog.

Somewhere deep down Lance knew that Lotor didn't stand a chance after his assault. No one could withstand magic that was out of control. And that's just what Lance was; out of control. He lost all dominance over his magic and Lance couldn't calm down. His usual calm aura was replaced by icy fury.

Lance was distantly aware of yelling but Lance couldn't gain control over himself. All he could think about was the desire, the need to protect Keith. Lance knew he was starting to freeze up, he felt immensely cold and could vaguely feel the ice crystals forming at his feet. But he didn't care. He didn't care if he burned himself out. All that mattered was that Keith was okay.

When he finally could not remain conscious any longer, he slumped and succumbed to the darkness, letting his crazed magic take control.

Keith's POV

"Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck!" I cried, clutching Lance's frozen body to my chest. A strong sense of deja vu raced through me but it was lost under all the adrenaline. Lance went out of control and his magic lashed out. He wasn't able to control it and he ended up using too much. His body was freezing, and his lips were twinged blue. He was breathing shallowly and this only pushed me to run faster.

I tried heating his core with my magc but that only caused him to cry out in pain. I was at a loss. I knew that he needed to be kept warm, he was clearly going through the latter phases of hypothermia, but I couldn't use my magic because our magical cores were completely incompatible. It would hurt even more if I used my heat to warm him.

Small ice crystals were forming on his eye lashes, gluing his eyes together. His usual tan skin was terrifyingly pale and twinged with the light blue of ice. I ran into my lion and set him down, praying to all gods in the universe to keep Lance alive until I got back to the castle.

My flying was strained as I couldn't focus, and I crashed into the hangar more than I landed. The rest of the team was already waiting for us, Shiro glaring at the lion disapprovingly. I didn't care. I carried lance and rushed out of the hangar.

"Lance has magic sickness!" I cried as I ran into the medbay. Pidge was already gasping and looking at Lance like she would cry. The others didn't understand how serious this was because none of them were witches.

"Okay calm down," Pidge said, summoning her magic and making a chair and forced me to sit. She placed Lance in a cradle and began to look around for a blanket. "We just need to find someone with a similar magical core that can reverse the effects."

"And where are we going to find someone like that?" I snapped.

"I was talking about myself dumbass," Pidge snorted. She lightly placed her hand on Lance's shivering frame and mumbled under her breath. Her hand glowed green and she looked up. "It's okay. We stopped it before it could leave any permanent damage. Now we just have to treat him the way we would any normal hypothermia patient."

"Thank God." Keith sighed.

"Um can someone please explain what's going on?" Hunk asked.

"Lance overused his magic," Pidge explained. "It's very dangerous and we're lucky we were able to stop it when we did."

"What do you mean?" Shiro asked.

"Lance could have died," I seethed. "Or at least of gone into a coma."

"Oh," Shiro said softly. He looked at Lance sadly.

"How long until he wakes up?" Hunk asked.

"Any minute now." Pidge said. I sighed and brushed his hair lovingly. I was going to murder his ass when he woke up...then smother him until he choked.

"Fucking hell," Lance groaned, startling me. He opened his eyes and squinted at me. "Why is it so fucking cold?"

"Lance you overused your magic," I said, pressing a kiss to his lips. He smiled against my lips. "Don't you remember?"

"No, all I remember is Lotor about to kill you," he tensed. "What happened?"

"After you went all crazy witch on him, you froze him in a block of ice. Pretty sure he's dead." I said, shuddering at the disturbing image of Lance freezing Lotor to death.

"Oh." Lance said. "Well that was completely accidental."

"Well I'd hope so," Pidge said. She walked up to Lance and socked him hard in the shoulder. Lance kissed in pain before Pidge then crushed him into a hug. "You're such a fucking danger magnet I don't know what to do with you!"

Lance laughed. "I love you too Pidgeotto."

"Lance," Shiro said, stepping forward. I prepared myself for the lecture that was sure to come. "What you did was very dangerous. You have a team. Lean on us next time."

"I'm sorry," Lance said. "I won't do that again. I promise." Shiro smiled and hugged Lance tightly.

"Well that is a perfect ending to a shitty story," I sighed. I lightly kissed Lance with joy that the danger had passed. "But seriously, if you ever do that again I'll fucking murder you."

Lance chuckled. "Wouldn't dream of it, samurai."


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