The truth

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Some more fluff. Don't worry guys, we'll get back the the regular scheduled angst shortly. 

"WHERE IS HE?!?!?!?!" Keith screamed. He ran into the kitchen, his gaze murderous. Hunk looked up at Keith absentmindedly before returning his gaze to the strawberry shaped pastries he made. Pidge sat next on the counter next to him, nibbling on one of the many treats.

"He's hiding in his room." Pidge said, before stuffing another one of Hunk's pastries into her mouth.

"THANK YOU!" Keith screamed before he ran towards Lance's room. Hunk didn't flinch at the loud noise that followed. He ignored Lance's girl shrieks and he also ignored Keith's growls. "COME OUT HERE AND FACE ME YOU COWARD!!!!!" Keith screamed. Hunk hummed a pleasant tune.

"So, does it taste like strawberries?" Hunk asked. A loud thud was heard not too far away from the kitchen. Pidge hummed as she thought.

"Close enough." she said finally. A loud screech (definitely Lance's) sounded right outside the kitchen door. Lance burst into the room and ducked behind the counter, effectively hiding himself from view. Keith ran in a moment later.

"Where did he go?" Keith snarled.

Pidge shrugged. Keith hissed before turning around and running off screaming for Lance to face him. Lance let out a sigh of relief before peeking out of his hiding spot. He could still he Keith's threats. Pidge laughed at the way Lance flinched at any loud noises.

"What did you do this time?" Pidge asked, amusement dripping off her words.

"I may have accidentally let it slip that I," Lance swallowed. "...remembered our bonding moment." As if to prove his point, somewhere deep in the castle Keith let out another enraged scream. Lance jumped a foot in the air.

"Well," Hunk said, too used to situations like this. "Why'd you lie about it in the first place?"

"I......." Lance mumbled. Hunk smirked.

"What was that?"

"I wasn't emotionally ready to deal with it yet,"Lance said, surprising everyone in the room. "Because if I did then I'd have to admit to the fact that I actually really like Keith. Like, like like Keith."

Hunk burst out laughing. Pidge followed soon after. Lance shot them a heavy glare. "Like like?" Pidge said, wiping a pretend tear from her eye. "What are you, a first grader?" Lance stuck his tongue out at her, ducking when she tossed a strawberry treat at his head.

"Pidge!" Hunk cried. "Not my shortcake!"

Lance snorted. "Hunk's over here making Strawberry shortcake and you think I'm the first grader?"

"I'll have you know, Strawberry Shortcake is a delicious treat." Hunk said. "And just for that...KEITH!!!!!! I FOUND HIM!!!!!" Lance's eyes widened as Hunk called his worst nightmare to him.

"Shitshitshitshitshit!" Lance cursed, looking for a way out. "Hunk, no!!! How could you do that?" Lance heard Keith's thundering footsteps. It was too late to run now, either way he ran Keith would find him. He was trapped.

"Never disrespect the shortcake," Hunk said. Lance groaned and shoved his face in his hands. The door to the kitchen literally flew off its hinges with the force Keith put behind it when he opened it. Keith ignored the now shambled door as he stepped towards Lance.

"Hey Lance," Keith said. "You and I need to have a little talk."

"OoOooOooOOOooh," Lance said, waving his arms dramatically. "The end has come. It's been an honor serving with you, young cadets. Hunk, I forgive you for ratting me out to the devil, I want you to speak at my funeral. Gremlin, I commend you for techiness. Congratulations on becoming the greatest space hacker the world has ever seen." Pidge giggled and even Hunk cracked a smile. "Oh goodbye cruel world! Goodbye!"

Keith rolled his eyes. "You're such a drama queen.," Keith said. "Come on, let's go. I wanna hear you bullshit your way outta this one."

Keith pulled Lance away, ignoring the snickers from Pidge and Hunk. He gave them one final salute before Keith shoved him out of the (now broken) door. Pidge and Hunk turned to stare at each other for a solid second before they burst out laughing. Hunk clutched his sides and Pidge gripped the bottom of the counter to hold her upright.

"Do you think we'll ever see out dear lover-boy Lance again?" Pidge asked in between chuckles.

"Oh I'm sure," Hunk said with a nod. " a coffin." Hunk added before they burst into a fit of laughter once more. However, unbeknownst to them they would definitely see Lance in the morning. He would walk into breakfast with Keith, their hair disheveled and Lance's neck sporting fresh hickeys, their aroma smelling of sex. 

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