My boyfriends (are deadly assassins)

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They were sent to kill Lance. It was a simple job, really. All Keith had to do was take his boyfriend, Shiro and make Lance fall in love with them and then get him to tell them where all the money was and then kill him. Simple.

But Keith hadn't accounted on Lance being so damn attractive.

And Shiro hadn't thought about what would happen if they actually fell in love with Lance.

And Lance...Lance was just happy he had the two.

Keith and Shiro had told Lance about everything. Their mission, who their target was (Lance) and what would happen if their boss found out. It had been a little interesting for a dinner conversation but what can you do.

==que flashback==

"So, Lance there's something we need to tell you," Shiro said. Lance froze. Usually whenever Lance's partners said that they cheated on him or were planning on breaking up. They had been dating for about a month now and Lance thought it was going relatively well. Guess not.

"I..okay..?" Lance said, his hands trembling as he mentally prepared himself to be dumped.

"We'reapartofthemafiaandweresentheretokillyou." Keith said, his words running together as he spoke. It took Lance a solid second before he realized what Keith said. Than ten seconds more to fully digest it and understand that Keith and Shiro, his happy and loving boyfriends were assassins sent to kill him.

Lance laughed. He laughed so hard he clutched his sides, ignoring the looks that Shiro and Keith gave him. "Lance..?" Shiro asked cautiously.

" guys are apart of the mafia?" a nod. "And you were sent to kill me?" another nod. "Well shit. I thought you guys were breaking up with me. Jesus fuck." Lance said. "So was all of this fake? Is none of it real? Fuck, I feel like such a fucking idiot. I can't believe I actually thought...I should've known it was too good to be true. I mean c'mon. You guys are so fucking hot and amazing and incredible and I'm Christ I fell in love with my murders. What a fucking cliche....So is this it then? Are you here to kill me? Is that what this is? My last feast before I die? Holy shit...So this is the end then? I can't believe I was so stupid--"

"Lance stop!" Shiro said, cutting Lance off from his unhealthy rambling. "Keith and I aren't going to kill you."

"But I thought--"

"That's what we were sent to do," Keith said. "But then we actually fell in love with you."

"I'm confused," Lance said. "You're here to kill me because our love was fake. But it's not fake? And you're not going to kill me?"

"Lance we could never kill you," Shiro said softly, his eyes glinting fondly. "We love you. And we're going to disobey orders. We're going to stay with you. We choose you. Not our jobs."

Lance smiled warmly, and Keith and Shiro felt a weight lift off their shoulders when Lance stepped forward and pressed a light kiss to each of their lips. "Well that's good, because I choose you too. We really are cliche, aren't we?"

Keith snorted.

==end of flashback==

The phone rang at two thirty. Lance groaned and tried to bat it away in the air, his brain to befuddled to do anything properly. The phone kept ringing, as if it were taunting him. Finally Lance pushed onto the big male sleeping next to him. "Kashi....Kashi..the phone's ringing..."

"Let it go to voicemail..." Shiro replied sleepily. The ringing stopped only to start back up again.

"Kashi....what if it's important?" Lance sighed sleepily. He started to get up but felt Shiro's cold arms wrap around him and bring him back. Shiro snuggled into Lance's form. "Kashi.."

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