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"Now, why don't we see your greatest nightmare, blue paladin?" Haggar chuckled. The gteam had been captured and it was all Lance's fault. If he had gotten more sleep that night, he would've been more awake for the mission. He was so stupid.

His teammates struggled against the chains that enclosed their ankles and wrists, fighting to free themselves and help Lance. "Leave him alone, witch!" Shiro cried. Lance almost smiled at the way Shiro defended him, but he knew deep down it was for Voltron, not because Shiro actually cared what happened to Lance.

"Don't worry Champion," Haggar smiled as she dragged Lance by his hair to a chair in the center of the room. "You'll get your turn."

Lance was helpless as the witch snapped iron cuffs around his arms and placed a weird half circle metal thingey on his head. It reminded Lance of the colender his mama used to drain water off of noodles. Lance grinned, using his usual form of escape, narcissism.

"Wow, I usually leave the kinky stuff for the third or fourth date," Lance said. Haggar growled.

"You won't be laughing when I'm through with you," Haggar sneered.

"Oh I hope not," Lance said, openly mocking her. "If we're doing the kinky shit I better be moaning."

"You'll scream from what I put you through." Haggar snarled.

"Promise?" Lance asked. Pidge and Hunk burst out laughing and even Keith cracked a smile. Lance's faint triumph was ruined with a swift slap. It was painful and blw felt like a baseball bat. Lance felt blood dribble out of his nose.

"Silence." Haggar barked. She turned to face the other paladins, their moment of laughter gone, as if it had never happened. She smiled sadistically. "Now, watch as your friend's mind breaks. Let's see what haunts him at night, shall we?"

And with that she turned around and shot a burst of purple energy at Lance. Lance screaming in agony and when it was over he was looking at a screen (where did that come from) and watching an image entered it.

Shiro stood over Lance, a disapproving scowl on his face. Lance was huddled in on himself, looking everywhere but the black paladin's eyes. "Lance." he said firmly. Lance visibly flinched. "What you did out there could have cost us the mission. You're very irresponsible. Are you a paladin of Voltron?" he asked.

Lance nodded wordlessly.

"Then act like it." Shiro snapped before turning around and walking away briskly. The other paladins stared at Lance in disgust.

Then the scene shifted and Lance was sitting in Pidge's room. She was tinkering away at some robot and Lance was content to sit there and talk to her about something unimportant while she worked. Suddenly she whipped around and glared at Lance, silencing him from his story.

"Can you get out of here, now?" she asked. "You're bothering me and honestly your stories are really annoying. Go piss off someone else."

Lance stared at her, a mixture of hurt and sadness on his face before he wiped it clean of any emotion, nodded and left the room.

The scene shifted again. Now Lance was in the kitchen baking with Hunk. They were baking some sort of alien cake and Lance made a joke, trying to get Hunk to laugh. Instead, Hunk glared at him.

"God, Lance, you're so annoying. I don't even know why I'm friends with you."

" could you say that..?" Lance asked, his voice shaking.

"Just the truth," Hunk said with a shrug. "I'm just stating that I have no reason to be friends with you."

The scene shifted once more and now Lance was in the training room with Keith. He and Keith were sparring and Keith pinned Lance to the ground.

"You cheated! I know it! Ya stupid mullet-head!" Lance cried. Keith glared at him.

"Just shut up Lance!" Keith snarled. Lance stared at Keith in shock. They had fought before but Keith had never used that tone of voice before and Lance didn't like it. "Stop blaming me for your failures. You literally suck! That's no one's fault but your own. You're a shit pilot and you're an even shittier paladin. You're just a placeholder for the real blue paladin. I can't wait until we find them, we'll be glad to rid ourselves of a worthless burden like you!"

Tears dripped from Lance's eyes.

Then the screen went blank, the show over. The team was in shock at what they had just witnessed. Those were Lance's worse nightmares? They were horrible and riddled with self doubt.

Lance smiled and laughed at the witch. "Is that all you've got?" he asked pompously.

Haggar stared at him, incredulous. "I don't understand...I just showed you your worst are you still functioning?"

Lance smiled a broken smile.

"Lady that's not my worst nightmare, that's what I go through everyday."

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