The last words...

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Swords are painful. 

Like actually painful.

Logically Lance knew that the second the sword was thrust through his stomach, the tip coming out the other end that he was going to die. It's just...he heard that death was like painless. Most of the time. 

Of course Lance had to be the unlucky one with a painful death.

The sword was sharp and Lance could feel every internal organ that was ripped open and Lance could see the blood, his blood dripping onto the ground. It gathered in a puddled at his feet. 

Funny, the red was so vibrant and clear he could see his reflection in it. A hysterical giggled escaped his lips and the pain washed over him like a tidal wave. This is it. This how he dies. He's going to die. 

Lance is dying. 

Lance is going to die. 

He's going to die because some fucking furry impaled him with a fucking long sword!

Isn't this just a wonderful way to go out?

A pained grunt escaped his lips as he knees buckled. The galra soldier that had stabbed him had run off a little while ago. It felt like hours, days, months, decades even! Why he left a perfectly good sword inside a paladin was beyond Lance but hey...he was dying so it didn't matter that much. 

His helmet landed with a loud thud as his body started to give up. He crumpled to the ground like a fallen rag doll, his body screaming with agony. 

Lance slowly reached out for the helmet. He wasn't going to ask for help because he was far past help.  Lance knew what happened when you get stabbed this badly. 

Honestly! The tip went out the other side! There was no way he could survive that! Even if his team some how miraculously found him and shoved him into a healing pod he would be too far gone. 

But he wanted them to know that he was dying. 

Better that than them thinking he was just fooling around right?

He weakly lifted the helmet and moved it closer to his face. The voices of his team mates echoed over the comms. 

"--know right! I mean come on! Lazy much?" Pidge's voice said over the system. "What is Lance doing this time?"

Lance's heart dropped at the words he heard. Did Pidge really think he was lazy? I mean, yeah, sometimes he didn't clean up his room. But he always put his heart and soul (literally) into these missions. 

"He's probably flirting with some alien chick," Keith said. 

"What did you expect?" Hunk laughed. No, not you too Hunk...Lance thought weakly. "I mean, he is the goofball."




The word bounced around his slowly dying brain. Is that really what the team thought of him?Lance knew already that his team didn't exactly care about him, but he had at least hoped that they would worry about him a little bit. 

Lance pressed the button on the side of his helmet that would allow them to hear him when a rough kick to his side caused him to gasp. The galra soldier was back!

"Hello Paladin scum," he spat. "I see you're still alive. But not for long."

"Go to hell, furry!" Lance hissed, his head starting to go foggy from blood loss. The galra wiggled the sword in Lance's gut sharply, causing a shriek of agony to escape his lips. The galra giggled like a madman at Lance's pain.

"You have quite the fight in you," the galra commented. "Even with a sword through your gut."

"What do you want, ass wipe?" Lance spat. 

"I want you to tell me everything about Voltron," the galra said. "And if you do, perhaps I will delay your death. Or maybe I'll just make your death swift and painless. You may choose."

"I'm not telling you shit!" Lance said with as much venom as he could muster. 

"And why not?" the galra hummed. "I've heard the way your team talks about you. They clearly don't care about you, so why do you fight so hard to protect them?"

"They may hate my guts," Lance hissed. "But they're my family. And I'd rather die than tell you anything!"

"Well I suppose you'll get your wish then, now won't you?"the galra snarled. He lashed forward and dug the sword sharply in his stomach once more before smiling gleefully. "Good bye Blue Paladin. May your death be long and torturous." 

"See ya later...alligator," Lance huffed. He looked to the side where his helmet lay and slowly reached for it once more. If he could just press the button he could warn them--

"Lance?! Lance?! Holy shit, are you okay?! Lance please tell me he didn't kill you!" Pidge's screaming voice shouted throughout the comms, making Lance's head throb even more. 

Lance's eyebrow dipped down in confusion, only for his eyes to widen in realization when he saw the button on the side of the helmet. It was pressed in. 

They heard everything. 

"Guys...Guys I...I'm s-sorry," Lance whispered into the comms. 

"Lance?! Lance where are you?" Shiro's frantic voice sounded fuzzy in his ear. 

"I'm sorry...I couldn't...s-stop him..." Lance coughed up blood and it splattered  onto the pavement. 

"Lance we're coming to get you!" Hunk cried. 

Lance shook his head, not caring that they couldn't see it. He could feel his death coming on. "D-don't bother Hunky....No s-saving...the goofball." 

And then Lance closed his eyes. 

And he didn't open them again. 

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