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"In order for us to accept your proposal, you must participate in a game," the blue alien said. The paladins had arrived at a planet, whose alliance was crucial to the revolution. "In order for us to trust you, we must see how well you know each other. It's a simple game really, I will ask a question and your teammates will write what they think your response is. You must score fifty points for you to win."

"That seems fair enough," Allura said. "We know each other fairly well."

"Great!" the alien ushered the paladins, Coran and Allura into a room. The all sat down and looked at the boards in front of them. "Now, we'll ask the questions and you answer. Are you ready? We'll start with the Black paladin and move in a circle. First question; who is the weakest link of Voltron?"

Lance wrote out his answer and then wrote down the answer he assumed Shiro would say. The boards displayed everyone's answer for Shiro, Hunk said no one. Pidge said no one. Allura said no one. Coran said no one. Keith said no one. Lance said himself. Everyone looked at Lance in surprise.

Shiro's answer popped up as no one.

"That's five points to Voltron." the alien said.

"Lance?" Pidge said harshly. "Are you trying to make us lose? That wasn't a very funny joke."

Lance looked at her in confusion. Joke? She thought I was joking? Lance thought. Lance just smiled at her sadly, the smile did not reach his eyes. "Of course, sorry about that guys."

Coran's turn was next. Again everyone replied no one. Everyone except Lance. Lance looked surprised. "Really? You don't think I'm.. oh." Everyone frowned.

Then in was Keith's turn. Once again Lance replied himself. Keith's true answer was no one. "Oh come on! There's no way Keith doesn't think that! That's a lie!" Lance cried. Hunk was starting to see a very sad pattern.

Lance answered himself for every single one. When it got to Lance's turn everyone expected him to say Keith, so everyone did. Lance's name displayed above his head. Shiro looked at him with a scowl. "Lance, you know we don't think you're the weakest link right?"

"I'm sorry," Lance held up his hands defensively. "I thought that you all did. But I'm glad I was wrong, right, Allura?" Lance winked at her. Everyone groaned at turned their heads. The sad moment was forgotten, just as Lance had intended.

"Alright, that's twenty six points to Voltron. Next question, who is your best friend on the ship?" Everyone got most of them correct. Keith answered Shiro and Shiro answered Keith. Coran answered Allura and Allura, Coran. However when it got to Hunks turn, everyone answered Lance. Except Lance who wrote Pidge.

Hunk frowned. "Lance, I told you. Sure we were the trio at Garrison but you'll always be my best friend!"

"I just assumed cause you know, you and Pidge are like the dynamic duo. You know, brains and brains and little bit of brawns.. Pidge and you get along so much better than you and I ever did. She's way better for you."


"That's thirty two points to Voltron!" the alien said. "Now, for the final question! What can you do as an individual to improve Voltron and make it better?"

Shiro was first, everyone said something along the lines of being a better leader. Shiro's answer was 'Lead better'. Keith's was to communicate better and deal with emotions. Everyone got that correct. Hunk's was he was too trusting. Pidge was to get more sleep.

Then it was Lance's turn.

Everyone said things like, 'Flirt less' or 'Pay more 'attention'. Lance's answer was displayed on the screen making the team suck in a breath.


"Lance.." Shiro said. "You need to take this seriously, we need the points. What's the actual answer?"

"Black paladin I assure you, the Blue Paladin was being one hundred percent serious when he wrote this answer," the alien responded. "The test would have detected a lie."

"Wait so you actually think you should.." Keith trailed off. Everyone was surprised at Lance's declaration. Lance turned around, ignoring the tears that threatened to fall.


"Can we please move on?"Lance huffed. They did, but Shiro made a mental note to come back to this. After the final round the alien reviewed the notes and stood.

"That's fifty two points to team Voltron," the team let out a collective breath. They did it. "We accept your proposal."

"Thank you," Allura stood and shook his hand. "Now, back to the castle."

==> Time Skip<==

"Lance," Shiro called. Lance froze. He was so close to his room, maybe if he ran.. "Lance come here for a sec. We just want to talk to you." Lance turned around, cringing. He knew what was coming and he wasn't excited for it.

"Sure thing, bud," Lance said, ignoring the weary glances cast at him from his other team. He sat down on the couch and looked at Shiro expectantly. "What's up?"

"Don't 'what's up' us, Lance," Keith said angrily. "This important."

"You think that we all hate you," Pidge started to list, counting off her fingers. "You think that you're the weakest link, and you think you should leave Voltron. Is all of that correct?"

"Well Pidgeon when you put it that way I--"

"Lance." Shiro said sternly. Lance bit his lip.

"Yes," Lance said. "I do."

"Lance none of those things are true," Shiro said. He looked at Lance sympathetically. "You are very important to the team. Without you, we'd all fall apart."


"Yeah," Hunk cut in. "You're like our glue!"

"Let's play a game!" Pidge cut in clapping her hands happily. "Everyone list one think they like about Lance."

"Pidge we don't need to do this--" Lance tried to say. Pidge cut him off with a stern look.

"Yes we do," she said. "I'll go first. Lance, you're like a second brother to me. I love your stupid jokes because they ease the tension. Who's next?"

"Lance," Hunk said, a few tears falling down his face. "Lance your bestest friend in the entire universe. Never doubt that! I love how your smile lights up a room. How selfless you are. Even when you're sad you help others feel good."

"I love how dedicated you are to the team," Shiro said. Lance looked at him in surprise. Shiro had always been Lance's hero, and to hear that Shiro felt that way. Lance's heart swelled.

"Your flirting," Allura said. Lance didn't even see she was there, Coran peeking over her shoulder. "Although it is rather annoying sometimes, it's nice to have someone treat me as a friend rather than a princess or leader. It's quite refreshing."

"Well, I can think of a few other things that could be refreshing," Lance said wiggling her eyebrows. Allura burst our laughing.

"Lance, my boy, you're like a second son to me." Coran said. "I'm grateful for every time you've listened to my stories. I'm grateful for your bright attitude for everything."

"Lance," Keith said. He was blushing red. Lance blushed because, dammit he's cute when he blushes.

"OOOH HE's GONNA DO IT!!!!" Pidge screamed and ran over and fangirls with Allura.

"Ahem," Shiro said, fighting the smile. Now was the perfect time for Keith to confess, and Shiro was happy for him. Hunk was hardly fighting back tears, Lance has had a crush on Keith since forever.

"Lance I--" Keith said. He sighed loudly, walked over to Lance and pulled him into a kiss. Lance was surprised but kissed back with force. Keith pulled away and rested his forehead against Lance's. "I love you."

"I love you too," Lance said automatically. "You and your stupid mullet." Lance teased before pecking Keith on his lips. Keith reddened and pulled away, Lance held onto him and refused to let him move. Keith relented and hugged Lance back.

Maybe this was a new beginning for everyone.

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