The seer

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"Alright paladins," Allura said. She was looking around at the paladins seriously. "This is the last planet on our list. Now their alliance is very important so no one mess this up, Lance," the princess eyes Lance heavily. Lance fought the urge to cry. He was the reason everybody was failing. He didn't deserve to be alive.

Lance forced a smile. "Don't worry princess, I'll steer clear of all the beautiful aliens just this once." everyone groaned and Lance wanted to die even more.

"Now, these aliens are very cautious." Allura continued, ignoring Lance completely. "They're empaths, so they are very careful around emotions. They can feel whatever you're feeling so everyone feel peaceful. And don't be threatening."

Everyone nodded and Lance turned to leave when he felt Allura grasp his shoulder and pull him back. He turned around and faced Shiro and Allura eyeing him suspiciously. "Lance we're being very serious," Allura said. Lance gulped. "You cannot, under any circumstances, make them feel uneasy. So no talking to anyone. Understand?"

"Of course, princess. I completely understand--"

"Lance," Shiro cut Lance off. "This is very important. Do not talk to anyone."

"Ok I swear," Lance said, throwing his arms up in defeat. Shiro nodded.


Lance bit his lip. Of course they would go out of their way to make sure the screw-up doesn't do what he does best, and screw up. Lance was worthless. All he ever did was ruin other people's happiness. He shouldn't be alive. He should just kill himself.

Lance lifted his head at the idea. The paladins had just exited the castle and were walking to be greeted by the king. I should just kill myself, Lance thought. I would save everyone the pain and annoyment of being suck with me. It would be really easy. All Lance had to do was shoot himself when no one was looking.

Lance could probably do it tonight! He could probably do it right now! If he just snuck off into the forest, he could just do it. No one would bother to look for him...

"Paladins of Voltron," a large voice boomed. Lance looked up, shaken from his self decimating thoughts. "Welcome to Ouznaquic! Our humble planet is grateful for your visit. Now, before you may enter, we must have our guards check you for any malicious thoughts. Routine. Afterwards we may proceed to the festival."

"Thank you," Shiro said. "We accept." The king smiled and nodded towards his guards. They rushed forwards and touched Shiro's head. After a few seconds they talked together in a strange language before moving on to Pidge. Then to Keith, Hunk and finally they had arrived at Lance.

The guards started to shout and the king frowned and the guards forced Lance back with spears. Lance lifted his head and looked around confused. "Guys? What's happening?"

"Paladins," the king said sadly. "The blue paladin has the malicious intent to kill."

Lance's heart dropped. No. "Lance? Kill?" Pidge laughed and everyone quickly followed. Hunk actually fell to the ground laughing so hard. "You've got something wrong. Lance would never want to kill anyone."

"It is true." the king defended. "He wants to kill badly. He feels disappointment that you've found out. Blue Paladin, who is it that you wish to kill?"

"Oh," Lance squeaked. "Oh. Oh. I want to I was going to kill myself..." the paladins stopped laughing and looked at Lance wide eyed. Hunk slowly stood up and approached Lance.


"I was going to kill myself tonight," Lance said, still in shock. Now how was he supposed to die? "Guess I'll have to do it some other time," Lance laughed but no one else joined him.

"You do not wish harm on anyone in my realm?" the king asked. Lance shook his head. The guards let go of Lance and he wrapped his arms around his waist. "Oh. Well, if you don't mind, but could you not enter? I do not wish anyone to fear you."

Lance nodded. "Of course." Lance looked back at the group who were still shocked and looked at Lance fearfully. "I'll catch you guys later. Enjoy the party." Lance turned and began to walk the other way towards the castle. He heard footsteps pounding against the sand. He turned around to see Keith running towards him.

"Wait up, Lance!" he yelled.

"You don't have to stay with me," Lance said with a hint of pain in his voice. "You should've just stayed there with everyone."

"And leave you alone?!" Keith cried. "Lance we just found out that you're suicidal and were planning on attempting tonight! There's no way in my right mind would I leave you alone right now!"

Lance just raked his hands through his hair. "It's okay Keith," Lance sighed. "You don't have to feel guilty so you come and help me. I'm perfectly fine—"

"You're not fine, Lance!" Keith yelled. "Being suicidal is not okay! And don't you dare think for one second I'm doing this because I feel bad! Lance, we all care about you! And it hurts finding out that you want to hurt yourself! So please, stay. Lance would you please just stay?!"

"I....I can try..." Lance says surprised at the outburst. "I'll try."

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